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fix the eyes lmfao, and if that supposed to be a mage book/unholy book in the left hand put it at an angle so we can tell what it is clearly


fix the eyes lmfao, and if that supposed to be a mage book/unholy book in the left hand put it at an angle so we can tell what it is clearly

they're goggles, and cc taken with book. Was thinking about that but that i would look funny. Gonna try with next one. <3


Girl looks kinda chuby


Girl looks kinda chuby

lmfao ikr


-SOL blade at the top is a little of, as is where it joins the saradomin symbol

-Goggles don't connect to anything/have an outline (I actually did one of those recently, take a look at my topic if you'd like)

-RC robe top isn't very accurate (I always use a picture from runescape wiki or a player provided screenshot to base drawings off of)

-As said, book should be at a bit of an angle so you can see what it is

-Boobs and hips are asymmetrical, and the hips especially make her look as if she is crippled or something

-Necklace is a bit off-center (as well as the shapes of the bits on it being a little off)

-Firecape doesn't look like that from that view (again, look at screenshots)

-Shading seems to be coming from like 3 different light sources throughout the drawing, and in some places isn't present at all

But overall very good for a first, especially if you freehanded. PM me on IRC if you'd like any tips or anything, and again, though my style is a little different, feel free to look at my topic.

Also I personally do all my drawings first in pencil IRL, then scan them and trace in pen tool. If you made the sig you're using I assume you do a bit of GFX, and therefore know how to use it. But if not, I can't really explain much, because I have no fucking idea how I ever learned to do it. It just takes a lot (and I mean A LOT) of trial and error before you figure out how the curves move based on mouse movement, and it'll end up being more a kind of nature than any learned skill.

Sam|Stop Lying

Chubby mess that girl is.

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