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So Harmful's Seventh 99: Thieving


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A few days ago I got 99 cooking, and swore that I'd get 99 thieving a.s.a.p.

So here it is!

Now for 99 HP!


nice account you got there, but why dont you train summoning?


nice account you got there, but why dont you train summoning?

Don't want the extra combat levels.


nice account you got there, but why dont you train summoning?

Don't want the extra combat levels.

who cares? it doesnt affect you in wildy, ur still the same combat with summoning ... its helps when bridding + i see youre a skiller, so it also help with skilling ...


nice account you got there, but why dont you train summoning?

Don't want the extra combat levels.

who cares? it doesnt affect you in wildy, ur still the same combat with summoning ... its helps when bridding + i see youre a skiller, so it also help with skilling ...

I don't like summoning, I don't want the extra levels out of the wilderness, and it's not that much of a benefit to skilling so I won't bother.


nice account you got there, but why dont you train summoning?

Don't want the extra combat levels.

who cares? it doesnt affect you in wildy, ur still the same combat with summoning ... its helps when bridding + i see youre a skiller, so it also help with skilling ...

I don't like summoning, I don't want the extra levels out of the wilderness, and it's not that much of a benefit to skilling so I won't bother.

ok lol :P still a badass account, gl with 99 hp ^^


If you really love skilling, the 1st skill you should focus on getting up is herblore for that overload. And summoning helps big time with slayer.


If you really love skilling, the 1st skill you should focus on getting up is herblore for that overload. And summoning helps big time with slayer.

I had 3.5b to spend on 99 herblore, construction and crafting but unfortunately I lost it all, so now I'm back to training the free skills.


nice gl witch ur next goals


nice nice, how long did it take you?


i botted 99 on my old account in like a week, got to love the thieves guild.


nice nice, how long did it take you?

Well I didn't do it all at once, I got 80 a couple of years ago, then it took me a month or so to get from 80-95 about four-five months ago, and this week I managed to get from 95-99.

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