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whats wrong wif my vid quality?


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this is a clip recording wif hypercam:


this is after i rendered my vid using sony vegas:


the quality of my recording wif hypercam is clearly alot better. im workin on my first pk vid im a total noob at the moment. maybe i am doing something wrong? or is it just the quality my pc can give me.. i have a decent pc tbh. can any help me get clearer quality?

Sam|Stop Lying

Idk much about Hypercam, I like Camtasia better.

Better quality too imo.


file type your saving as?

how are you rendering it?

what program did you use to record?

need some info before we can answer


file type your saving as?

how are you rendering it?

what program did you use to record?

need some info before we can answer

i used hypercam2 to record then used sony vegas pro 8.0 to put the clips that i wanted together and then rendered it saving as Video for Windows (*.avi). and this is how i rendered it:


this is the quality outcome, its pretty bad:





but clearly my recordings wif hypercam are very nice quality. i just want the quality to be the same if not better before i release my pk vid.


should prolly switch to camtasia much better quality imo


should prolly switch to camtasia much better quality imo

ye but alot of ppl use hypercam2 and get decent quality i.e nightmarerh his video quality's very good. i think im doing something something wrong but i dont kno wat.

should prolly switch to camtasia much better quality imo

ye but alot of ppl use hypercam2 and get decent quality i.e nightmarerh his video quality's very good. i think im doing something something wrong but i dont kno wat.

theres a way to switch the video source in hypercam i believe and you can make it so it records with camtasia but with hypercams lag and program.  but it might be other way around and camtasia can do that for hypercam=/ either way might wanna check googling for that and see if it helps since you dont want to directly use camtasia i guess.  if that made no sense then im sorry i saw a video on it like 2 years ago while making one of my pk vids and it helped a lot with quality/lag problems :s


should prolly switch to camtasia much better quality imo

ye but alot of ppl use hypercam2 and get decent quality i.e nightmarerh his video quality's very good. i think im doing something something wrong but i dont kno wat.

theres a way to switch the video source in hypercam i believe and you can make it so it records with camtasia but with hypercams lag and program.  but it might be other way around and camtasia can do that for hypercam=/ either way might wanna check googling for that and see if it helps since you dont want to directly use camtasia i guess.  if that made no sense then im sorry i saw a video on it like 2 years ago while making one of my pk vids and it helped a lot with quality/lag problems :s

ty anything wud help me.

Use camtasia and save as .avi. It's the best (and what I use).


Camtasia serial plz? someone?


Camtasia serial plz? someone?


I use Hypercam and have no troubles. It's the rendering I'd say.


Camtasia serial plz? someone?



FearMy Def


check template options and save as type ^

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