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Maining's Road To Turmoil


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Its zeh noob


^ lvl 138 Mod player made me laugh irl, such a noob.


Gl Brother Omar


got this tonight before gonna go sleep only 34 min for 60-67 xP


Awesome but how did you do turmoil quests with 62 mining only? i touth i needed 65. PLZZZ ANSWER


Nice maining :D


you get so many extra qps from turm... I want to do it now.

gratz :D


Awesome but how did you do turmoil quests with 62 mining only? i touth i needed 65. PLZZZ ANSWER

need 64 but can pot it with dwarven souts (m)

Dan| High Rating

nice work man and gl on ur pure, are u gna rejoin foe afterwards?


Nice progress, keep it up


ty all this are some pictures from

day4 25/05/2011 (yesterday but i ragequit and didnt upload so here you go)

gilded altar had to catch 80 rats to finally get a +5 orange boosting stew L

then today Day 5 26/05/2011


dont even know him he gave me 1m to help me for turm=p guess good ppl just still here xD

anyway yday i had 50m left on 88 pray and i needed 100m for turm bassicly since im worst money maker ever i decided let a good friend of mine stake my 50m cause he staked abit and is not bad at it compared to me who never ever staked anyway to keep it short he lost and gf my 50m lol so now i got 2m bank left wel 3m after the 1m donation i got and need 100m for turm (around that) so yeah i got some addy defenders to so only thing il stil do on jnr is get 70 craft do korasi quest and while that il prob play on lil do some frost drags idk try and ever make 100m for turm so ye prob whont update this forever might aswel close it =)


Dat amsging every fkn pray lvl


Also nice 75 minute large L

about average for a good team but only one I have pic'd


Lekker maining keep it up bro !

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