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|-_____ Z Only Str Z ____-| last update july 18th i am back with 82 magic !!

z only str z

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z only str z


   -  About me

   -  My goals

   -  Bank picture

   -  Latest Achievement

   -  What i am currently doing

   -  Blog

   -  pk's

   -  Conclusion


About me

Name: Kevin

Age: 15

Location: Scotland

Member Status: P2P

IRC Channels: #finalownage

Hey guys its very nice to finally be a part of this community as u can see my name is Kevin i have played runescape for a pretty long time .

One of my biggest goals is to join foe i have been trolling the forums for years, I actually found the forums from watching Fear Figements first vid when it first came out  :lol: .Your prob wondering if u been here for so long how come u not in foe yet ! answer really is i sucked at making pures years ago  ;o so i quit them and made a main recently my rl mate hacked my account and as most of the invo needed to recover it is rl questions he new them  :blush: and moved house before i could do anything. well thats last weeks news since then i have started my new pure Z Only Str Z my old obby mauler that never got far  :wow: . Difference is this time i am much better at pking and know alot more than what i new years ago when i started making pures so wish me luck !


My goals

My biggest goal is to join Foe but i got alot of work to do before i am there .

my goals currently are

                                     90 range


                                     82 magic


these are my top goals atm and this section will get alot better


Bank picture

Currently i only get cash for what i need so i am sorry it is so low just trying to get some small goals done before i get cash

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Currently trying to buy bronze knifes for 80 range  B)


Latest Achievement

I am putting my small achievements here like Quests  in here

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What i am currently doing  

I am currently at King Luthas orges training untill 80 range .



18th of july 2009

hey guys long time no see  :lol: oh well i am been having alot of connection problems and pretty much just got them fixed but i do have an update for u guys 82 MAGIC ! this was so long and boring done it through ruby rings cause atm i dont have alot of cash  :embarrased:

so i am pretty happy that i got my first 80 on this account and finshed one of my goals i am now going for my range goal . atm i think i can apply for foe fa once i have 86 range with 82 magic dont sure though  :wow: . Since my last vist here like a week ago i see alot of people made achievement threads cant wait to read and post on them .Also i got my old barrows account back still got its firecape and stuff so i can wait to get members back on that . Ok so ill leave u guys with some pics

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11th of July 2009

ok well today i am going to end my day of training at 11pm UFC100 is on tonight at 3am so i am going to grab some rest before it starts.

So today i spent the WHOLE day at ogres getting 76 range !! currently hoping for 80 range on monday  :omg:

also started to collect seeds 8 rannars 2 snaps  :nice: well ill leave it at that ill put up some pics below  (n)

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10th of July 2009

Well end of the first day of starting this thread started the day off at tzhaars and made 500k from the bolt tips and a obby shield drop  :wub: also got 71 range and about half the way to 72 .

Decided that the money was good but i really need xp more than cash

headed to King luthas training grounds and finshed the day off by getting 73 range will prob stay there all the way to 80 range now  :omg:

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Well this is just to sum up my thread thanks for looking and please post . I would love tips and advice , also if u want to add me please do so i am so bored atm at orges myself so i need people to talk to also i am always in #finalownage . I know this thread and layout sucks so bad but it will get so much better as time goes on . thanks for your time and ill try answer all posts on my thread  :lmao:


Nice thread ^^, goodluck with your goals ! :)

z only str z

Nice thread ^^, goodluck with your goals ! :)

thanks the threads a mess ill fix it up though when time goes on

z only str z

Get 31 prayer.

As you can see atm i am 45 att 53 str atm i really dont see the benefits  of it with my currently stats but i will get 31 or 44 pray when i get my stats higher . thanks for the advice though  :wub:


Goodluck getting requirements mate,

You seem dedicated to me so go for it ^^.

z only str z

Goodluck getting requirements mate,

You seem dedicated to me so go for it ^^.

Hey first of all THANK you soo much for posting  :wub:

em i hope i can keep my dedication to the account and not end up doing silly things trying to focus on 80 range atm hope to get that pretty soon currently getting 2-3 range levels a day atm .


Gl with goals, They will be easily acheived :)

Umm, your pic's don't work for me.


Fancy thread  :D

I'm training up my nub also atm (Broken-Proxy), and i do ogres like all day lol. So if you wanna chill pm me, ill add you.  :nice:

z only str z

thanks both of you  my d stroy ill add u i am doing the same thing spending the whole day there


good luck bro really nice topic ;)


nice topic, gl with your goals and hope to see you in foe in the future  :D

z only str z

good luck bro really nice topic ;)


nice topic, gl with your goals and hope to see you in foe in the future  :D

thanks and i hope i do get to see you in foe in the future an all  :wub:

currently guys i just got 74 range not bad start to the day


It's pretty easy to get 80 ranged mate, If I was you I'd range myself to 55 slayer and train with broad bolts while slaying, that's good money + good exp ( slower then constantly ranging ogres but I prefer slayer above that cuz broad bolts are pretty good ( hit hard and accurate )).

On pure berniej I trained myself from 88-99 ranged with broad bolts while slaying, I made 15m cash and got 78 slayer ( if I can remember correctly, quit a while back already ).

Btw, don't double post just add the quote to your post with the Edit option.

z only str z

It's pretty easy to get 80 ranged mate, If I was you I'd range myself to 55 slayer and train with broad bolts while slaying, that's good money + good exp ( slower then constantly ranging ogres but I prefer slayer above that cuz broad bolts are pretty good ( hit hard and accurate )).

On pure berniej I trained myself from 88-99 ranged with broad bolts while slaying, I made 15m cash and got 78 slayer ( if I can remember correctly, quit a while back already ).

Btw, don't double post just add the quote to your post with the Edit option.

ye been thinking about slayer i will prob get it up atm i just want some basic stats 80 range then 82 magic before i want to think about slayer.

pretty much just for the bolts thanks for the advice/tip .

sorry about the double post first nuby mistake  ;o

Smited B O W

Good work on dt but big decision to get regarding attack but try and stay low prayer for funner pking =)

nice thread, keep it up.

z only str z

Gl, Mate.

Good work on dt but big decision to get regarding attack but try and stay low prayer for funner pking =)

nice thread, keep it up.

thanks both of you

smited i plan on keeping it the way it is till i prob join foe , reason being at trips if theres run in's and clan wars i dont stand a chance .

now 75 range will be 76 range tonight hopefully


Nice and Gl with your Account :D


Goodluck with your goals man :)


gl with your goals and nice progress so far mate

z only str z

gl with your goals and nice progress so far mate

Goodluck with your goals man :)

Nice and Gl with your Account :D

Thanks gl with ur accounts an all guys  :D

hectic power

awesome job mate :)

z only str z

awesome job mate :)

thanks man

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