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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.

I go out near enough every other saterday night. Only a night a prom could cost me around £200, and a night out with friends is about £15..
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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.

I go out near enough every other saterday night. Only a night a prom could cost me around £200, and a night out with friends is about £15..
^, Fuck the prom, yer all gay.
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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.

I go out near enough every other saterday night. Only a night a prom could cost me around £200, and a night out with friends is about £15..
^, Fuck the prom, yer all gay.
Where is your God now?
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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.

No we don't? your school may of had that but i've never heard of it.. i'm from England and my school did proms.

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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.

No we don't? your school may of had that but i've never heard of it.. i'm from England and my school did proms.

Prom here in Wales too.
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Prom isn't that big here in Britland. Well, atleast in my part of Britland anyway. Also, no. I wasn't scapin'. I was watching MTV Cribs all night.

I completely understand MTV cribs > Prom.  

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I still can't beleive you'd throw away a night with people you grew up with in high school (some of them you wont see again) to sit at home.

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I didn't go to my Prom either, my date and I just broke up. The night before. And I was just depressed.

I still should have went with all my friends. But meh, no regrets.

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In Britain we have a Valedictory Dinner which is basically prom. If you don't go to prom i expect you either have a rl crisis...or your really sad and stay at home scaping. Get out and be fuckin social.


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Prom is like one of the best things in your teen life lol.


I will count you guys as people who don't party. Because if you do, you know what the real thing is. Prom is either expensive and good, or cheap and shit. If you say prom is the best thing in your teens life then oh my god you matured so behind others.

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Prom is like one of the best things in your teen life lol.


I will count you guys as people who don't party. Because if you do, you know what the real thing is. Prom is either expensive and good, or cheap and shit. If you say prom is the best thing in your teens life then oh my god you matured so behind others.

The whole night (Prom and then the after party) was one of the best nights partying easily.

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A common rave, or afterparty > Prom

I went to my Junior one, shit sucked balls. And everyone said the Senior one sucked as well. The afterparty was epic. But that has nothing to do with Prom.

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Prom is like one of the best things in your teen life lol.

says who?

normal people. i bet u prob didnt even have a date so u just didnt go lol ;)

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