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Been doing some slayer :)

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My stats so far. Going to get 75 range at blues now.

Need addy gloves also what's the minimum cooking and agility level required? (With pots, brews etc)

Y4nk33 D33s

nice, for addy gloves you need at least 66 cooking and 48 agility


nice, for addy gloves you need at least 66 cooking and 48 agility

I thought it was 44? :[
Smited B O W

65 if you use a chefs delight (mature)


Cooking dosen't bother it's just agility, what's the lowest level required?


Cooking dosen't bother it's just agility, what's the lowest level required?

You need 48 agility, you can't use pots as it won't allow you to go on the course.

yeah, lol, no agilpots, it sucks, nice ac nd keepup with the work =]


Sucks :[ Thanks people :]


nice and 44 agil.


nice and 44 agil.

Not 44 agil, You can't use stat enchancers.

nice and 44 agil.

What happened to the original Fr0gie? I remember he had some back operation back in 06/07 and he said there was a chance he wouldn't make it, I never found out what happened after that :x

Congrtas there, a good start. GL with the gaunts and lvling :)

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