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Old ACC Recovered


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reminds me of this kid i used to pk wiht named comby womby

Lol, I can see the resemblance.

yeah but im pretty sure comby was around way before ur friend made that lol

Lol =p. I donno cabin. OMber does tho. He took screenies, I was too lazy.

@Kody, Idk, maybe. Omber was back in '05 I believe.


Great account :D May as well get the final 2 magic levels.

E1f of dark

nice account yea get 99 mage! so close lol an post a pic of the bank once u get in im curious :P


Who gives a shit about name.. It has hella good starter stats and isn't melee based yet. ;)


Stop making posts after 1 single person has posted a new reply :/.

You got like 5 posts on 1 page rofl.

But nice account bro, that's an amazing acc to pk on =).

Hope the bank is good to.


Stop making posts after 1 single person has posted a new reply :/.

You got like 5 posts on 1 page rofl.

But nice account bro, that's an amazing acc to pk on =).

Hope the bank is good to.

Sorry ='(. Although, I really don't care about post count, It could be all deleted and I wouldn't mind.

"Waits for bank pin to be gone.."


Yeah I know you don't care about post count and I'm not saying it like 'STOP DOiNG THAT!', just saying it cuz it makes your topic look better and it's more handy to combine multiple replies into 1 post.

It's way easier on the new forums with the 'Insert Quote' option when you make a reply.

Ofcourse you can reply to multiple posts but I saw you quote every new post for like 5 times in a row.

Ontopic: How long till bank pin is gone?


Early morning of Tuesday it should be gone. (1 day-ish)

ImWell Skill

Wow proper nice x) Get 99 mage :D

Live Stream

post the contents of ur bank when bank pin is gone

gooned m8 k0

how much $ u got on it


how much $ u got on it

There's currently a bank pin that's being deleted.


Bank pin Deleted! Screenieing and will update my first post.


So is the bank good or bad?


So is the bank good or bad?

BAD. It had roughly 5m left on it =s. The idiot bought 321 of like every Afro, 500 of gold team capes etc..

Oh, and I no longer have access to it due to the  kid saying he doesn't trust me after 4 years... unless I purchase the acc (which i most likely will)


Lol, Afro's a pimpn' LOLOL

Nah but what a shame. Buy the acc if it's a good irl mate. And GE afro's etc?


Grats on recovering that kick ass account!

Goodluck training...... apply for FOE?

hunt godlink

Time to join foe? ^_^


Time to join foe? ^_^

Grats on recovering that kick ass account!

Goodluck training...... apply for FOE?

I've had 3 accounts with the stats to join FOE as a full member, but I don't think I'm ever joining FOE as there isn't much to offer IMO due to the newest update. Wtf you going to do, go on a PKing trip with everyone having a DDS/Maul and thats it? When someone dies, are they going to come back although they lost their main weapon? I fucking doubt it. But ya know, that's JaGeX making the game more "Fair" for the kids that are idiotic and can't even hit over 20.


nice stats and good potential

x kill die x

Gratz! I recovered my old acc also and I know how it feels good  :D

x redvsblue

wow nice deff. play on it

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