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Dont know what to do...

Zach Dones

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Whats up everyone, I have a problem I want to be a members pker "rune scim/maul/oby maul"  but i dont want to get all the stats you need for all the "pure" quest. My stats are 40 attack 78 strength 1 deffence 40 ranged 1 prayer 35 mage and 78 woodcutt, as of now I'ma f2p pure. What should I do??

Its zeh noob

Take a look at the guides section and go find it out. GL.


Well it's pretty simple... If you don't want to get the stats for the quest, then you can't do them. So basically there's no point in becoming a member  :unsure2:


Well it's pretty simple... If you don't want to get the stats for the quest, then you can't do them. So basically there's no point in becoming a member  :unsure2:

I am a member.


get 50, do rune scim to obby maul - g maul spec pretty sure no quest req for any of those


I dont understand your question if you dont want to do the quests then wtf do you expect us to tell you to do... you fail. quit.


Stop bitching and do the quests.

Range G0d 33

If you want to stay at 40 att, there's no sense in members pking for you.


If you don't want to do desert treasure and stuff like that, Just do death plateau -- its a short quest, and you get climbing boots, it'll also help raise your attack a little to get to 50

But seriously, the pure quests help alot, recommend you do them


Horror from the Deep helps too. Prayer books. And RFD Addy gloves, I would recommend just getting them over with or staying to F2p pking.

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