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the deepest of shits


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condoms dont work 100% of the time bro

Yeah that's only because they don't always stay in tact 100% of the time... if he checked it for leaks, and there was none, it worked. Simple really.

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she took the preggo test just now, came up as not pregnant

should i still make her get the abortion pill or just believe this test

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taking abortion pills is dangerous for HER too, pregnant or not.

take another test (another brand to be sure) and if its negative, you're fine

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G-Falo Son

Condom = 85% effective

Pill = 95% effective

Condom + Pill = 100% no baby



There's actually something thats 99.9% effecive.  My fiance has it.  It's some implant that they put into her arm.  Its like 630 bucks but in the long run from buying birth control she'll save 45 whole dollars lol.  And and thats over 3 years period of time.  the implant keeps you from getting pregnant from 3 years then they take it out

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she just took a second test and told me that it came out negative..

i should have fucking told her to bring me the test and show proof

oh well 97% chance im not a dad

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Gareth l Rare

Jordy ive had a few scares in my time and one preg test isnt enough

take 2 more

(ive had 1 neg> next pos> next neg)

Get her on the pill and use a jonny (but if you have trust then you can use pull out method) although if she is just a fuck then still rubber up

Just chin up, stay cool and positive.... stressing leads to arguments and then everyones vex'd

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dont be a dummy, cum on her tummy....

wish your parents took the same advice.

^ this.

ontopic: 21 and dad. Thats pretty old.

Condom does the job. And just to make it sure also the pill.

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Holy Jitte

Nah I have dated 3 different girls who's periods were late and they didn't get pregnant. It could happen but sometimes the . can be delayed.

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