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No more 1 itemers! but...

Wigan Gamer

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Tbh, i don't think claws will drop much, as most rushers as Ikz said do have protect melee on, and most rushers generally don't die, as they just run, or tele, so i think there will still be alot of rushers.

The Blood Anthem

I've been waiting for something like this for a long time. It gives me some incentive to pk on Heroes Fail now :)


If they add protect item back, it will be old bounty hunter without a penalty or target teleing.


1 itemers will still be there, it's easy to bring a ring of life / tele tab and use after spec.


a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money on claws/gs and corrupts


i really cant afford to be losing sometimes 1m+ if i die

coz i die quite a bit, not as much as i kill people though lol

and is usually just protect item or if i can, not get skulled.

worst update ever :(

Wigan Gamer

I guess dds will be a bit more popular now huh :P

I hate dds though.... choose maul over dds any day. Still quite a bit too loose though

smited claws

damn this sucks. As soon as i make enough to buy claws this shit happens.


Dutch Loco is laughing his ass off atm haha, perfect account for this :p.

Gf high attack pures.

Fucking lame in my opinion.

GF 70 attack+ pures, lul.

Damn Jagex really screwed up this time again..?

People aren't going to use claws/godswords/whips which affects everyone from pures to mains.  Tanks aren't going to use torags/veracs/barrows and that results in welfare meleers and nigger rangers.

There goes my fun pking.

Wigan Gamer

My initiate (77 att) is pretty much useless now lol... good job I made my f2p pure few months ago :D

I think this update helps tanks tbh.... no more gs on them.


FML I decided to get 31 pray yesterday to protect mauls


^lawlawllawl my thoughts exactly.


shits hit the fan, jagx have fuckd up again, w00t

Yes....  Yes....  Yes....

Sadly, they have.

Range G0d 33

Yeah, being P2P but specializing in F2p pking, I kind of like the update in the sense that you put it.

watch me tb

i think if your carrying more than 1m you can protect item. but the only way u can is if ur risking 1m not by having 1 item thats worth more than 1m. that would get rid of 1 itemers too, and make it so you dont lose some major shit.


damn this sucks. As soon as i make enough to buy claws this shit happens.

l0l! Same thing happened to me. This is the shittest update ever. They should go jump in a hole and die IMO. They're gonna lose thousands of members for this


What an awful update, just make it where you have to be risking 75k+ to enter bounty hunter.


I like the idea with the skulls, but taking away protect item was just a stupid idea.. I really hope Jagex puts it back in.

Got A Big Un

gf pking with godswords etc maybe it will be more like rs now with no1 using overpowred shit to spec with


I realy had a fml moment when that update come i think thats the way of fagex to stop pures? man whats the point of pking if u cant use ags/or any nice ownage wapon! alot of friends of me got def!


Actually good for me considering I have a f2p based account. Sucks for everyone else though

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