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Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

Right so some point next month when i finish college ill be opening an official thread to creating:



Youtube layouts

video intros

editing videos


Pay will be rspg/paypal if you charge irl gps but personaly ill be charging rsgp so i can max my accounts to quit in september

ATM this is just to see if people would be interested/ want in on this

obz im not going to accept people who post MSpaint work (unless its andy)   :wub: colestrolmons ftw (miss spelt)

last sig i made> free for who ever wants

Toon i made for joe> unless he still wants it its up for grabs (donations would be nice though)  :shifty:




you do intros/edits? lemme see plz

Gareth l Rare

you do intros/edits? lemme see plz

Ill upload work ive done to my rs channel when i get a chance

Atm just looking to see if people want in on this/ interesting in future to see wether its worth starting this up or not...  ^_^

FearMy Def

can u plz give us like a esimate average on how much things will cost?

i'd be willing 4 u to create me a yt background, editing my pk vid

just wondering how much the price would be

Gareth l Rare

can u plz give us like a esimate average on how much things will cost?

i'd be willing 4 u to create me a yt background, editing my pk vid

just wondering how much the price would be

this is just to see who would be wiling to join

but for me personaly id make a range price

EG if you want simple work/edits then its cheep or even free (in the 100k-1m range)

For real edits and work that would take me time id be charging  more but mostly depends on amount of work but ill do some work and post when i get a chance

then depending on peoples reactions> decide prices but im not going to be like "500M FOR EDITORZ " (n) pfft day light robbery

ima be reasonable but as i said, by next month ill have work set up and everything ish

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