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Hit Duh Flo

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Hit Duh Flo

I had future hopes for FOE, I dreamt of for once actually doing something good on runescape and getting good.

I was a pure until 5 minutes ago, where I completed MM with 1 def. And stupidly not knowing enrolled in the xp training and got 1-33 def


Your own fault for not knowing. If you're gonna make a pure you should know what quests give def exp and what to look out for.

Hit Duh Flo

Your own fault for not knowing. If you're gonna make a pure you should know what quests give def exp and what to look out for.

Oh really? That's why when I chose the option is said "Strength and Stamina" thinking stamina was hps.


FearMy Def

wow :(


Your own fault for not knowing. If you're gonna make a pure you should know what quests give def exp and what to look out for.

Oh really? That's why when I chose the option is said "Strength and Stamina" thinking stamina was hps.


If you did a guide on tip.it or whatever then you really should have took the time to read the quest rewards at the bottom. Plus, if you had aspirations to make a pure you should have known that MM is the most notorious quest in regards to ruining pures.

As said before, it's your own fault. Yeah it sucks wasting hard work like that, but it's a lesson in regards to the game. Now you know for next time through personal experience. 


If you don't know that mm reward gives def xp, then you should not have a pure at all, just sayin

Sam|Stop Lying



make a new pure...


Sucks bro, make a new pure

I ItalyPK I

Bot a new pure dude.




you should have known this, they even say in-game that you also get experience in the option you don't choose. At some guides they even warn pures.


you've already heard all the "oh everyone knows that, you're dumb" bs so all i'm gonna say is that it REALLY only takes 3 or 4 days of "medium" training to get a new pures levels up to where you can start questing, then all you gotta do after that is bot..

honestly, i could have a pure fresh off tut isle and ready to app for foe in 2.5 months TOPS..


you've already heard all the "oh everyone knows that, you're dumb" bs so all i'm gonna say is that it REALLY only takes 3 or 4 days of "medium" training to get a new pures levels up to where you can start questing, then all you gotta do after that is bot..

honestly, i could have a pure fresh off tut isle and ready to app for foe in 2.5 months TOPS..

True, on my staker I had botted Foe stats in 1,5 month.

And I wasted lots of time on staking aswell lol.


took me 2 weeks to get from where u probably are to an applicant, just start over (like i also had to do). it's not that bad to be honest


its official, your a moron

Hit Duh Flo



Indeed I was.

its official, your a moron

Its official, your a troll.

Gf retard.

Gf troll.

If you don't know that mm reward gives def xp, then you should not have a pure at all, just sayin

Monkey Madness does not give def xp, the training program does.


Cant believe people still get defence this way (n)


oh well, start again. It isn't too hard.

This time read every pure guide you know of and don't be afraid to ask questions here before you fuck up.


that sucks, good luck on ur new acc

Pullade Nyss

atleast you know now so make a new pure

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