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Hit Duh Flo

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Fire Dover

Im amazed in 2011 people still fuck their pures up from that quest, dumbass


sad times bro - new acc bot that shit up..

soz to hear tho


Sucks, but seriously it's not hard to train a pure 3 days for addy gloves 3 days dt 1 day ava mind body and stuff

rest is botting


Dam unlucky man.... FFS what now? just make a new pure


Kindda dumb, why do you think pures could only get mith gloves before and addys now?


make a new acc


happens to the best of us -- gl if u make new acc

and stay secure / bank pin / change pass reg



rofl your an idiot if you start raging to Blitz, its your own stupidity to not look on the quest guide about the xp, every decent mm guide tells you to not take that xp if you are pure.

  • 2 weeks later...

At least you know for your next pure...


Dude how can people still make that mistake its 2k11. Are u new to rs or something


mm reward gives 39 def..


mm reward gives 39 def..



Your own fault for not knowing. If you're gonna make a pure you should know what quests give def exp and what to look out for.

Oh really? That's why when I chose the option is said "Strength and Stamina" thinking stamina was hps.


If you did a guide on tip.it or whatever then you really should have took the time to read the quest rewards at the bottom. Plus, if you had aspirations to make a pure you should have known that MM is the most notorious quest in regards to ruining pures.

As said before, it's your own fault. Yeah it sucks wasting hard work like that, but it's a lesson in regards to the game. Now you know for next time through personal experience. 


lol newfag fail, that was common knowledge like 4 years ago, i don't think any pure was stupid enough to do the training.

  • 3 weeks later...

oh well - learn from mistakes


Damn you should go zerker then

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