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should i ruin my pure?


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stay 1 def, keep 250m for 91 herblore and then join foe.

^ this

O InstinctZ

turmoil recks in the long run herb is only good if your gonna be cwing a lot


Totally up to u of course, the only reason id say yes is because ur already 80 attack.. rapier and turmoil  :rolleyes:


laern love

I basically have the same stats as you, and it wrecks haha. It's worth it, and pking as a pure gets pretty boring after some time, dont forget the lewt gets better the higher the level.


If I were you, I would use that bit of money on a 99, maybe like herb, or farming. Ya know, something to show off:) But that's just my skiller show off side coming out. Either way is a good decision.


Turmoil doesnt cause to ruin a pure, it only advances it, i recommend it bro.

FearMy Def

turmoil and overloads is the way to go


Decided not to get turmoil, going to stay 1 defence. Going for 99 herb just for fun cause otherwise the money will go to arena so its smarter to spend it now, ye ik 99 herb is shit and cape isnt cool for some of you but i've never had it so im gonna get it now !


GL M8, ON 99 HERB M8!!!11

Life To Dds

get turm and peekay bank and more some meanwhile with frost


1 def ftw 1 def ftw 1 def ftw


Decided not to get turmoil, going to stay 1 defence. Going for 99 herb just for fun cause otherwise the money will go to arena so its smarter to spend it now, ye ik 99 herb is shit and cape isnt cool for some of you but i've never had it so im gonna get it now !

Don't get 99, get 96 for overloads and then assist everyday for 30k exp in herb. 300k exp every 10 days plus exp from pots you'll need to make when you run out.

l am anthrax

I'll play devils advocate a d say do it.

Even tho I've never even done temple.

Turm fucks people on norms.


Erei | Ava

1 def ovls :3


your account is nice... spend it on combat shit, like supplies

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