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Paypal claims, help?


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Alright, I could really use the help right now.

Paypal has held all my transactions, and reversed two claims from the same person.

Currently I do not know, if the email was hacked and was purchased through a hacker, but I'm a gold seller on MMOExchange, and I have never ran into somebody disputing against me, I would like some information on what I can do? Should I contact Paypal once their offices open? What can I do? Am I fucked? Please help me out, When he purchased the gold, I had him send it as a gift, with this note.

~ " I understand Paypal's policies on virtual items, I'm 100% satisfied with my goods, this is payment for virtual goods for which I have already received and am completely satisfied with; I will not dispute the transaction as I have already received them." ~

Here's what my transaction page looks like now..


The guys MSN is dungeSMTP@msn.com

If that helps at all?

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No idea, but i would ring the offices and as you can see, they have purchased their goods (message in gift), meaning why did you reverse it ect.

However ive had similar problems where he didn't have enough money in bank, and the transaction got reversed and i could do nothing about it :(

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Well basically, he had money but he charged back, with no note what so ever..

he just disputed it, without an excuse.

I feel that paypal will glady side with me.

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Thanks for the note, needed one.

Does that work normally?

Heard if people called the bank you can do nothing about it.

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Its paypal. If they pay with a credit card, they can get it reversed in minutes and there is nothing you nor your "virtual goods" note can do about it.

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Gareth l Rare

Call bank/paypal and hope they can sort it out

This is why i dont use paypal.... too many kids out there scamming over pixels... its pathetic

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Call bank/paypal and hope they can sort it out

This is why i dont use paypal.... too many kids out there scamming over pixels... its pathetic

I don't got a choice, don't think I'll get many Dutch buyers.

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Thanks for the note, needed one.

Does that work normally?

Heard if people called the bank you can do nothing about it.

this thread gave me some great ideas alex  :shifty: :ph43r: :shifty:

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Your fucked. Happened to me, i also had them send a note saying that they had received the goods and that they will not dispute as they are 100% satisfied. But the little mug called his bank to reverse the charge claiming someone had accessed his account without his permission. Paypal cannot do anything even if they want to, it was the banks decision as it is credit card funded. So yeah basically i was $60 out of pocket so i sold my gold to a trusted seller for a much lower price to be safe.

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Since you are not on IRC let me explain.

Any money sent for payment of "virtual intangible goods" will never get reversed even if escalated to claim status. Paypal will just drop it. As long as you put in there that this was for virtual intangible goods, you will get your money.

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