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l0l sad boter!!


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Once, on a dark day in the 21st century, the mighty capital of Holland Nijeveen, was hit by a bot bust party, which unleashed it's full power upon the sad boters in the city. All were punished, but 1 escaped, it was Lord Grifte. He teleported out (wow sad nh), and found himself back on the shore of Leek City, aiming for Its Zeh Noob's house, all to prevent his acc would be banned. Finally arriving there, he was given a warm welcome, and he started his bot. Little did he know that Andre was the son of Andrew Gower's Portuguese sister. With the loading screen of RS not even completed, the J Mods invaded the house, and punished Grifte.


He woke up 14 days later, and was determinated to max out once again!


So the rebuilding mode was activated.












Will be continued...

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Gareth l Rare

You Dutch kids, what the fuck do they feed you..

That looks lovelyĀ  :omg: I'm going to have to cook that but with chorizo instead of normle sosage

GL with rebuilding broĀ  ^_^ could always give donate some money to me since you have soo muchĀ  :wub:

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