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Dutch N Pk, Vid 5, 40-50m loot dropped


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Dutch N Pk , PvP/Bounty Hunter Video 5

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Hey, my name is Joey and this is my 7th Pk video, but the 5th featuring Dutch N Pk.
My other two videos were on Dutch Teh Pk, but after the wild was deleted I decided to get defense.  
However, when PvP and was reintroduced, I made a new account which I leveled fairly quickly.  
Hopefully this video is quite memorable, as I have tried to make it stand out from the rest.   Many of you may have noticed, but Pk videos these days are overedited and monotonous.  This video takes place primarily in edgevill, seers  and Greens using Dragon Dagger, Vesta Longsword Ice Barrage and Range.
The video is edited with and Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects.
This video contains clips from the New Bounty-Hunter and PVP worlds.

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.::Video Details::.
450 MB
10:40 Minutes
HD, 5.1 Surround

.::The Video::.
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Click on the picture to direct you to my pk video

.::The Songs::.
Gary Jules - Mad World
12 Stones - Anthem for the underdog
Linkin Park - New Devide
3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
Lisa - Hallelujah

.::My Previous PK Video Link::.
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Voodoo Pro, Tyler, Bryant, Ryan, Simi, Josh, Casey, Sev, Alex, Dave, Sunde, King, Mike, Virtus, Cam, Ck, Barrett, Inabit, V0idz and ofcourse Lolercats
& The rest

Thx -Dutch

Post on the Zybez topic aswell please

(also if the topic breaks any rules of recruitment or anything just edit it out, dont close it)


nice accumulation of clips from the past few months. You had some awesome specs with dds, and some nice hits with d bolts too. I didn't see any drops that would merit 40-50M pked, but ill just guess you're saying in general, not on vid. I did not like the one clip where your targ came back no iteming thought that was kinda a waste of space, regardless of an arma statuette. But yeah overall, very nice man :D. i liked the uhh, 2nd or 3rd clip where it was Dutch vs Dutch too =P


Nice hits u hit good with dds why cant i hit that while i have the same str lvl as you wtf fml


Good vid Joey, I wanted to eventually use anthem for the underdog in my vid, loved it in never back down.

Love how when faggets pray on you, you just keep hybriding the piss outta them..Got a couple of old ass clips in here ;) Karams


Good Vid. Not over-edited like most vids now.


Preferred your others to this, but highlight of this vid dropping q santafag jr q


Pretty good vid dutch <3


Fuck my ass, clicked vid, waited 20 minutes for it to be fully loaded and realised i clicked on the link to previous vid........................

Loading #5 atm, damn shit computer.

EDIT: Wow, nice vid. Some really decent comboes, 30 scim - 29 29 dds and the 30 30 barrage, hawt


nice accumulation of clips from the past few months. You had some awesome specs with dds, and some nice hits with d bolts too. I didn't see any drops that would merit 40-50M pked, but ill just guess you're saying in general, not on vid. I did not like the one clip where your targ came back no iteming thought that was kinda a waste of space, regardless of an arma statuette. But yeah overall, very nice man :D. i liked the uhh, 2nd or 3rd clip where it was Dutch vs Dutch too =P

Thx for the CC post, as i said in the title loot i dropped ppl for

(Dragon Claws/36m at the time the whipper on the and 5.7m, 1.5m karils and then the loot u saw in the vid

thx for the other posts


Oh i realised Alex and Dave arent on my credits special shoot out to them


wel goeie vid maar dat laatste nmr was wel skeer. :/


boring sorry.


EDIT: Wow, nice vid. Some really decent comboes, 30 scim - 29 29 dds and the 30 30 barrage, hawt

That's what I thought.

Loved watching the vid mate,  like the way you pk.


boring sorry.

go cry more for me reporting u for pjing me lmao

Iz Ahrim Iz

Pretty good vid, good variety in location and good hits.

Imo it would be better with more drag clips, and some mage combos


Pretty good vid, good variety in location and good hits.

Imo it would be better with more drag clips, and some mage combos

I agree =>


boring sorry.

go cry more for me reporting u for pjing me lmao

lol it was actually borin tho.


I liked the TLP blue ring at the beginning Oo


Was ok, you should of kept the first song though :)

Good vid.

Got A Big Un

was a good watch :D


Easily one of my favourite pure pkers, good video.

You planning on going past 60 attack?


A very, very good video. please make more yes.

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