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Reapz's Goals


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These are currently my levels >.>


These are still need a lot of work to them, my goals are:

Attack: 60/80

Strength: 75/99

Defence: 1/1

Range: 96/99

Prayer: 52/52

Magic: 96/99

Constitution: 74/99 (Hp is really low, i know)

Summoning 24/99

Give me some feedback please :P, help me improve.

A question also, What should I do to raise my hp to atleast 80+ quick? maybe I could do something that will contribute to my other skills at the same time?

Dan| High Rating

nice goals but don't get 10 def for korasi, not worth it imo. Maxed chaotic 1 def would be sick tho, like me :D. GL on your goals and keep this updated so we can track your progress :)

Glizzy Time

l0l, gl bro u need ;D

FearMy Def

gl with them, its always good to set goals, i find it faster to get my stats up :)


gl, don't get def tbh


Awesome account. Good luck!


Whoa, I know you in game :P

Yay you're joining FOE :D


yeah, im going to post my app soon, just need some more pictures and stuff

also need 25 posts just remembered :\


higher hp should be #1 goal tbh. :P


Yeah you're right :), I am going to work on it hehe :P

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