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Takeing a break.

Creamie pies

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Creamie pies

I am takeing a break from real rs and playing hackscape! If you play hackscape and want to add me in game my name is cream pie.


Hackscape ? Fast XP? Good PKing? How many members?


What the hell is a hackscape


Or you can train on real RS :S


Can you protect item on hackscape?


Private servers are pointless imo, now rs has a decent wildy environment.

Why play a fake when you can play the real thing. Or are you just lazy?


Yeah i agree, i don't see the point in private servers, the pking is always bugged in some way, and everyone has the same stats, and everyone is maxed.. i'd rather pk on a low level pure than a private server tbh.


Private server(s) takes so much less time than the real servers, thats why.

"and everyone has the same stats" yeah and basically in real RuneScape too?


Not really, on a p server, everyone would be maxed, and impure, on real rs, there's all different kinds of pure.


hackscape? what in the world is hackscape?


Private servers are pointless imo, now rs has a decent wildy environment.

Why play a fake when you can play the real thing. Or are you just lazy?

plus theres no fame, foe, and its even more lame than playing rs all day.

Creamie pies

Yeah i agree, i don't see the point in private servers, the pking is always bugged in some way, and everyone has the same stats, and everyone is maxed.. i'd rather pk on a low level pure than a private server tbh.

Nope not everyone is maxed. Its only 5x xp so it takes awhile took about 1 week for 99 range and not manny people how the money for it. You can do ::pure witch makes you maxed out pure besides  range/mage but thats pointless because it makes you hit 50% lower than normal so no one dose that. The best thing is you need to earn your money buy skilling witch i perfer crafting as it gives good xp. But holly dosn't know the concept of making money so im stuck giving her money -.- (holly l2 play <3)  :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:

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