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Mm leader hacks Eop leader


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MM love to just scoop lower and lower.

they really need to Close or Merge with Bloody Vikings.

Unlucks to Solo, hopefully a friend can hook him up with a spare pure.


Did not expect that from 13th.

But okay o.o

Looks like EoP will probably be getting in our way this weekend on hunting mm ;(

Let's get ready for some FoEop vs Mayhem Force.



Seriouly its pathetic. 13th deserve to get hacked his fucking phat and def to 60


After readign what Solo put, i feel sorry for the guy  :wub:

Gareth l Rare

This is why i cant stand clans and the kids who get power hungry/or attempt this sadistic shit for what they call "LULZ"

OK not going to say that without giving my 2cence about it, obz i used to hack back in the day but that was on a different scale to RS and i was 13...

Big difference in age gap and maturity

Thought leaders would be more mature, wise and just even have the moral decency to not bother with this kind of shit... guess i was wrong....


Clanning is pathetic nowadays, when are other clans[mainly mayhem makers] going to learn, it's runescape clanning, it's not the crips and the bloods.. people hate eachother simply based on what clan they're in and it's so fucking immature it's unreal, i've been flamed countless times by MM members and told 'FOE ARE SHIT' etc, without even saying a word to them, Idk if FOE members do this to MM members, i hope not, because on trips we are always told NOT to flame them back, or stoop to their level, just really wish MM would grow the fuck up and stop living in denial.

Gareth l Rare

it's runescape clanning, it's not the crips and the bloods..

This seriously sums up reasons why i mostly hate being a pure in rs today.....

I even got flamed for being a gfx'r on this site at one point  o.O


cant wait till 13th gets hacked for 39 def


What a retard, wonder if he gets removed from the clan, or be massive hypocrites.

Funny to see all the MM on pw's topic like yes this is good, thought better of them, or maybe just the retard pw trolls, and not the normal MM members

Pw trolls are just kids who are to scared to face that they can't win an argument. Many clans hack/keylog, EOP too.

Most people on pw are hypocrites.

Clanning is pathetic nowadays, when are other clans[mainly mayhem makers] going to learn, it's runescape clanning, it's not the crips and the bloods.. people hate eachother simply based on what clan they're in and it's so fucking immature it's unreal, i've been flamed countless times by MM members and told 'FOE ARE SHIT' etc, without even saying a word to them, Idk if FOE members do this to MM members, i hope not, because on trips we are always told NOT to flame them back, or stoop to their level, just really wish MM would grow the fuck up and stop living in denial.

Every single clan is doing this IMO. There will always be retards in clans constantly posting fake wins, calling mains (FOEoP, MMHF, MMFI, FOEMAINS etc.) and they will keep saying that they're 1# and all other clans are shit.


Im 80 prayer when im gonna be 95 i join Foe. Foe is the only clan that didnt flame me on forum for being 30 def turm. I cant wait till i apply :)


cant wait till 13th gets hacked for 39 def

I know a guy who is apparently gonna hack 13th after this and get him over 60 def (so he cant join hf either), he also sent elvy666 a refrigerator paid with frauded creditcards lol

ps he has nothing to do with foe


Runescape drama  :facepalm:


What a retard, wonder if he gets removed from the clan, or be massive hypocrites.

Funny to see all the MM on pw's topic like yes this is good, thought better of them, or maybe just the retard pw trolls, and not the normal MM members

Pw trolls are just kids who are to scared to face that they can't win an argument. Many clans hack/keylog, EOP too.

Most people on pw are hypocrites.

Clanning is pathetic nowadays, when are other clans[mainly mayhem makers] going to learn, it's runescape clanning, it's not the crips and the bloods.. people hate eachother simply based on what clan they're in and it's so fucking immature it's unreal, i've been flamed countless times by MM members and told 'FOE ARE SHIT' etc, without even saying a word to them, Idk if FOE members do this to MM members, i hope not, because on trips we are always told NOT to flame them back, or stoop to their level, just really wish MM would grow the fuck up and stop living in denial.

Every single clan is doing this IMO. There will always be retards in clans constantly posting fake wins, calling mains (FOEoP, MMHF, MMFI, FOEMAINS etc.) and they will keep saying that they're 1# and all other clans are shit.

FOEoP is non-existant, we have literally never called EOP for help, we've only ever teamed against MM with EOP when they've tried to crash our wars with EOP. But yeah, your points are valid.

Elven Dremor

eDrama at it's finest.


Never ever liked MM


I mean .. it happens. I'm just surprised it was a leader rather than a new member.

This game is pathetic.

Who cares though. It's virtual pixels with a virtual account.


Completely hypocritical... MM should just close.

Hi, I'm 13th, I go crazy and accuse sly of phishing and hacking 13th's e-mail then attempt to get him in shit for recovering an account because it's unethical and then I go and hack another clan leader and get him def.


Gareth l Rare

Completely hypocritical... MM should just close.

Hi, I'm 13th, I go crazy and accuse sly of phishing and hacking 13th's e-mail then attempt to get him in shit for recovering an account because it's unethical and then I go and hack another clan leader and get him def.


Andy "for balls of steel" status  :shifty:


Either this is somehow fake, or there's some kind of alternate explanation opposed to 13th just trying to bring down eop or whatever the popular idea is

I could see an MM member doing this, but 13th doing it seems very far from plausible to me... I know everyone on these forums are especially eager to jump on anything like this, but it doesn't add up


Completely hypocritical... MM should just close.

Hi, I'm 13th, I go crazy and accuse sly of phishing and hacking 13th's e-mail then attempt to get him in shit for recovering an account because it's unethical and then I go and hack another clan leader and get him def.


God would probably have me on some real strict shit,

no sleepin all day, no gettin my dick licked


Completely hypocritical... MM should just close.

Hi, I'm 13th, I go crazy and accuse sly of phishing and hacking 13th's e-mail then attempt to get him in shit for recovering an account because it's unethical and then I go and hack another clan leader and get him def.


Andy "for balls of steel" status  :shifty:

Sly just hack his bitch ass... and give me a bill ^_^ i could srsly use it lol


People constantly mentioning that this is a virtual game doesn't change the fact that it's fucking sad

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