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What account should I use?

Oops A Ko

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Alright so I was going to get 20 defense on my account that has these stats:

73 att

90 str

2 def

92 range

84 mage

85 hp

52 pray

But then they came out with the no protect item worlds which made 20 defense and my account useless.

So i got mems on my other noob pure..

i was going to get

60 att

94 str

1 def

94 mage

70 range

13 pray

75 hp

but now there is these new worlds where you can keep 1 item..so should i whip pk on my 73 90 2 account and stay 2 def, or train my new pure, if you say train new pure should i just melee pk and keep 1 prayer or do ancients and get 13 pray for 1 higher combat and 2 damage higher?

if i train my new pure i dont know if i could get money for claws on it....opinions please.  (ps i couldnt get an ags on first pure)


Dude lol those are 2 beast accounts, doesn't really matter which :p


There both very good pures as He11 said, personal preference for what you perfer


2 fuckin nice accs there mate, but if i had to choose id say the second 1 ;p gl


wow you got 2 pures 90+ str? personaly I would use the 2nd account its beastly


Second. 52 prayer is pretty pointless now, and the 2nd account just totally owns.


d scim pures for me, 70 att if u like ripping into zerker failures


Agreed, decide on how you enjoy pking.  ^_^

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