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What Would You Do With 'X' Amount Of Money?


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i'd buy 95 herblore on 2 accounts, turmoil on 1

and the best gear possible


Basically 99 herb and summ, not to forget a shit load of pking supplies


1B: get 99 prayer, and 99 herblore and 99 summoning, and rest in pk suplies

2b: same as 1b but then with a parthyhat


probably sell for irl and get turmoil.


1b. Get 99 Herblore + 99 Prayer + 99 Summoning + Buy a mask set

2b. Sell 1b and with other 1b ^^


Keep on dreaming poor kids!


and sell it rl and buy a life



Save enough to keep me going for next couple of years

sell rest


1b - get overloads, chin ranged and barrage rock lobs to 99 hp, get 99 summon, the rest i would spend on like the best pk sets ever :), probably spare some cash for turmoil as well

2b- the same as above, might blow 100-200m on a santa hat or one of the h'ween masks, the rest i would keep as money indeffinetley, theres tons of ways i would could spend it, but pointless.

Gareth l Rare

I wouldnt want x amount of money

Andy you'd get it some how :shifty:


Staking, get phat, fuck skillin :nice: .

then sell money.


Keep on dreaming poor kids!

^ me 1 month ago

now i have that (1b)

bought red mask, best gear and weapons a pure can have, 99 hebrlore, banked 99 range@wallasalkis, 99 mage at rocklobs, and got enough left for 99 summon supplies :)

EDIT: gave 200M+ away to my mates and noobs that were begging for pixels, karma ;)


1b: purp phat

2b: purp phat, 200 cash sell rest


1b : Barrage my way to 99 summoning, also get 99 herblore for the hell of it.

2b : Same as above. Also risk AGS, claws, etc without protecting item.



lol dem geepees :P


buy a bandos godsword OMFG

Ramlade nyzz

i whould go risk alot in pvp and make videos :P


1b : 99 Herb, Santa, Hween Set - Rest on PK shit.

2b : Same as the above with more PK shit and leave leftover cash.


Buy 99 herblore, summoning, farming. and then leave them sitting in my bank as I'm pretty lazy :/ aswell as spend a decent amount on return sets and then buy max gear for a pure. I could do that with 1b I guess and then If I had 2b probably sell the second 1b not to sure.

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