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A week of pking.


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Im gonna be pking for a week without selling my loot and screenshot it at the end of the day.  :nice:

IMPORTANT: I am SAVING up my loot, meaning that for example: DAY 2 is the pking loot from Day 1 AND from Day 2 etc.

DAY 1: - A pretty bad pking day, best loot was Guthix brazier.

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DAY 2: - LOL WTF, only 400k today. Best loot today was Saradomin Icon. turns out day 1 was a pretty good day lads!

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DAY 3: - It was stupid for me to pk with stuff i pked. like losing glory's, runes, daggers and mauls that I pked. This is what happens when you do that. your profit SUCKS BALLS! tomorrow will get better, I can feel the statue's

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DAY 4: - didnt really pk a lot today. had irl business.

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DAY 5: - i killed some people

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I will update this everyday.



900k a day still isn't bad.


Wow lol nice I got seren stat pking some guy so id say that was my best lol:). Gl Ill keep in touch with this thread.

Richy ranger

Nice gj ;)


Looking forward to this, 900k still a good start :) profit?


Looking forward to this, 900k still a good start :) profit?

About 300k-400k supplies/deaths I think.


o nais, gl brother

smash range

keep up the good work.


Okay it's 2:20 AM right now and im 0% EP, Gonna get 75-100% EP

after that i'm gonna do a final round of pking till im 0% EP again, then price check it all


Lets hope today brings me some statue's. havent gotten any so far :(


very nice, i might do one of these too.


So far my pking day has been SHIT. I die to the most retarded people and my pk's are once again shit.

probably gonna make like 10k profit today. god damn

Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

pk with me plz :nice:


pk with me plz :nice:

I got C O R R A N1 added now.  :)

ps. bser lulz  :whistle:


how many ppl did u kill on day 2? LOL

dont you get 500k+ per kill like everyone else?

Its zeh noob

It always has some ups and downs but 900k a day isnt bad at all, nice sig btw :D

hunt godlink

Oo interesting. Pk much :lol:


how many ppl did u kill on day 2? LOL

dont you get 500k+ per kill like everyone else?

No for some reason 20k pk's are my kinda kills lately.

it's only a matter of time before i get my Zaros thingy. will update with new pic in a sec (which SUCKS)

smash range

thats what im talkin bout

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