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Dungeoneering and kids in general


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Some kid in a dung has got 88 smith and the bitch won't make me gorg 2h because she ''can't be arsed''. She sells all the gorg ore to the smuggler and rages at me. The leader tells us to stop bitching and raging, even though i'm not even mad an i'm just asking her to go back to the kitchen. The leader rages and kicks both of us. The bitch pm's me and tells me ''if you really want gorg 2h you should get the smith level yourself''. 2k11 logic.

Long story made short. This doesn't really make me mad, it just makes me think about how fucked up this game is.

So many 12 year olds in this game. Shit community, shit players, shitty graphics, shitty pvp system i could make an essay about how the immature players have ruined the game.

H3llz y4ah bring the 0ld wildy bakkk! fre l00ts no free trade z0mg guna goldfarm now.

People whined about the climbing boots update and how it created a large inflation - look at rs now. DFS 30->14M Frost dragon bones 20K->15.5K. Not even pkers benefit from the current pvp system - no 12 year old rushers do! Goldfarming has never been a bigger issue. The 12 year olds decided to vote for the wilderness and free trade - a system that is not suited for the current PC-gear (AGS CLAWS TORVA DIVINE ETC)

The only solution would to rollback this game to 2007. This would make the game more enjoyable for the mature players, and make the 12 year old goldfarmers quit the game (hopefully).

Unfortunately the 12 year olds who voted YES for free trade etc didn't realise the CONS of the update.


I only have one advice for people who consider coming back to rs - DON'T

Getting sick of this game in general


not sure if i got ur point right but pretty much agreed


yeah, ppl have lost all respect on this game for one and other, i liked it back in the old days


yeah, ppl have lost all respect on this game for one and other, i liked it back in the old days

Yeah almost forgot to mention respect

I remember when you could walk up to people in wild and talk to them, without them attacking you or people rushing you.

Kids have no respect for other players in this game, korasi has replaced dds, and ddosing and hacking have become large issues.

But that's just 2k11/Rs3




lol. I tend to play this game with public chat on friends and do everything solo, so I can only really see the economy point.

I remember when you could walk up to people in wild and talk to them, without them attacking you or people rushing you.

I don't understand why the wilderness would be a wise place to converse. That's the area for PVP, as broken as it may be, it isn't a place you can expect to be safe. Rushing is stillgay though, it's become so much a method of pking that people are making 10-14hp rushers with max stats. Gay as fuck.


Omfg dat video i get killed @2:47

Ot yes rs is gay i got ddosed for ags last week


Rs died a long time ago, in 2008 it did


RS died a little before freetrade / wildy was removed, at one point it was amazing, and kind slowly over a few months masses of retarded faggots began to slut their shit up in wildy and the game turned to shit.


godwars was the end of the fun rs


If you don't like it, quit it. No one is forcing you to play RS.


If you don't like it, quit it. No one is forcing you to play RS.


Tough shit, you all moaned when Old BH was out and moaned when there was a Trade Limit,

moaned when your targets would log and take 10 mins to get a new one, moaned at the shit

loot, moaned at the amount of "12 year olds" yet this is an online game and doesn't have an

age cap so just put them on your ignore list. Stop shitting your pants over pixels, it's a GAME

if you're not having fun don't play the fucking game. Logic, something you referred to in your 5

page rant.

/end-topic. :kanye:


its www.runescape.com :/


If you don't like it, quit it. No one is forcing you to play RS.


Tough shit, you all moaned when Old BH was out and moaned when there was a Trade Limit,

moaned when your targets would log and take 10 mins to get a new one, moaned at the shit

loot, moaned at the amount of "12 year olds" yet this is an online game and doesn't have an

age cap so just put them on your ignore list. Stop shitting your pants over pixels, it's a GAME

if you're not having fun don't play the fucking game. Logic, something you referred to in your 5

page rant.

/end-topic. :kanye:

5 page rant, where?

I did NEVER rant about bh. Bh only had small flaws like target logging. I don't have the will to do any group activities besides dungeoneering and bossing at the moment.

This isn't an instant chat program, you've got time to write something clever - but instead you try to justify that RWT Botting and immature people are taking over many elements of this game. Please go back to powerbot forums and troll.


I feel sad when reading this because I agree with it all 100%


godwars was the end of the fun rs

if I think about it... from this on Jagex really ruined the game.

it's kinda funny tho, what Jagex really wants is money.

so what do they do for money, they keep making new updates which you get stronger, faster, better etc.

everybody wants to own the other so nobody dislikes weapons/armour that will make them stronger.

back in the day only d scim had a quest requirement out of 3 melee weps that were used regurarly.

(not counting Lost City as a quest req lol, 10 min quest )

in the old days it was more of being skilled rather then botting your acc up in a month.

so I think this has changed the mentality a bit, nobody gives a fuck about hard work or respect cuz everybody bots and rushes.

same goes for Foe, I trained my account for a long time to get into Foe. now if I wanted to join I'd make a lvl 3 and be in this clan within 2 months. don't take this as an offence but automatically your spot in a clan is worth less. cuz instead of you being one really strong pure amongst 1000 of other strong pures, it's become 1 strong pure amongst 100.000 of strong pures.

Conclusion: quit game, sell money.

If you don't like it, you will never like it again cuz it will NEVER go back.


Another thing to think about is the fact that there are so many more pures now days then there was back in say 05-07.  At some point people decided to go all no honor and say fuck honor pking in general.  The game has definitely morphed from it's origins and although its sad to some people,  Jagex needs to keep updating the game to suit it's largest target audience. 

The new generation of pking is all about bridding, rushing and making pk videos.  Pking videos and rs videos in general have taken off,  pking videos were definitely not in their masses back in the day like they are today. 

All games change though, all get updated and morphed for interest to be with-stained,  it sucks but times change and people move on.


moaned at the amount of "12 year olds" yet this is an online game and doesn't have an

age cap so just put them on your ignore list.

Technically, you're supposed to be 13+.


If you don't like it, quit it. No one is forcing you to play RS.


Tough shit, you all moaned when Old BH was out and moaned when there was a Trade Limit,

moaned when your targets would log and take 10 mins to get a new one, moaned at the shit

loot, moaned at the amount of "12 year olds" yet this is an online game and doesn't have an

age cap so just put them on your ignore list. Stop shitting your pants over pixels, it's a GAME

if you're not having fun don't play the fucking game. Logic, something you referred to in your 5

page rant.

/end-topic. :kanye:

5 page rant, where?

I did NEVER rant about bh. Bh only had small flaws like target logging. I don't have the will to do any group activities besides dungeoneering and bossing at the moment.

This isn't an instant chat program, you've got time to write something clever - but instead you try to justify that RWT Botting and immature people are taking over many elements of this game. Please go back to powerbot forums and troll.

It seemed like 5 pages reading your rant..

Yes I wasn't meaning you singular, I meant people like you in general who play Runescape and

complain about it - people like you in a more general term.

Haha, yes, ironic how you flame me about not writing anything clever but you have just complained and havn't written

anything of any significance whatsoever, If you were clever you would realise you no-longer like the game compared

to it's prime in the old days - it's golden age, and quit instead of ranting on a forum.

I don't want to bash you as a person but I, personally, don't see the sense of this rant. I agree with the dungeoneering

aspect and Jagex should fix that, but the rest i do not agree with.

I'm not trolling I'm posting my opinion, and lol at you telling me to go back to powerbot, powerbot is shit I don't want to

get banned or hacked thanks  :rolleyes:


It's not like they back it up though do they.. you can sign up for the game and have an e-mail where your age is

5 and still play - No age cap..


thats RS for u..:/

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