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Whats the best way to not be sick


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Eat alot of fruit, healthy things, get enough movement, be dressed according to weather (warm clothes when it's cold), and just use common sense?

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are you asking how to not be ill or to not throw up?

best way to not throw up is to try and throw everything up in one go so you don't need to go again, then just don't eat anything. Drink water for 6-12 hours only and then try plain bread/biscuits.

go munch on some charcoal and hover over the toilet for a good 30 minutes. Then come back.

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drink salty water -> puke everything you got -> take anti vomiting medics

and you should be good

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I've had times when i literally couldn't have anything in my stomach or i'd start throwing up bile. It's fucking painful/annoying. Only way i know how to get around it is to take very small sips of water every few minutes so that your body can absorb it before it reaches your stomach.

You can go without food for days so that's not a problem but if you get to the point where you need to drink but can't keep it down it can be dangerous.

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Sugar with water is great for getting rid of the aftertaste

This, and water with a drop of lemon juice in it is good aswell

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sit next to your toilet with a bottle of water, everytime you finish throwing up drink a decent amount and wait for it to come back up again, keep on doing it and you should stop soon enough.

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Drink a lot of water but in sips, don't gulp it down in the gallons. Try to not think of food or that'll just trigger it but you still need to eat and i'd suggest fruits as they have natural sugars which will help. Try not to drink normal coke or anything or if you do water it down as the higher your glucose count gets the more you'll feel to be sick. Learnt from experience. Hope you get better soon :nice:

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I actually feel ill at this moment, i just lie on my back and don't eat or drink anything. Will follow some of these suggestions though.

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eat healthy ; no junk food.

drink a lot of water  and get decent amount of sleep(8-9hours+) to help the immune system

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Eat alot of fruit, healthy things, get enough movement, be dressed according to weather (warm clothes when it's cold), and just use common sense?

Shit also.. wash your hands good after u go to the bathroom.. i know us rs players.. we rush sometimes.. me myself use to do that just rush wash hands to get back to skaping.. not worth it honestly.

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