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Action fun packed Midweek!


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Want to come Midweek with us? IDLE in #Midweek.

Disclaimer:  Midweek is open to anybody but is run by people within FOE. Our goal is to have enjoyable trips.

Thank you Nektas for scouting the whole trip and amazing job to Soft Pillow for leading majority of the trip!

We headed out to 50 portals with about 30 people and there was nothing there. We were walking around and still nothing. After a bit, we headed to sperm hill and got word from Kruckcrusher that there were 70s and 90s at portals in world 124 and we were in world 137. We hopped to that world, rushed to the portals and cleared them up.

We were a bit all over the place clearing them up and then ended up being at 13 portals and beating them. We then went back to 50 portals and hit some mains north of the castle as Dylan informed us of them. Jared(Soft Pillow) started to lead the rest of the Midweek after we beat the mains. We went to GDZ then someone scouted mains at gap, so we ran down there and killed all 10 mains.

We then went back to 50 ports and went back to scorpion pit to see what's up. A few minutes later, Nektas told us that MM and SKO was massing together at edgeville so we decided to go through the portals and wait for them to arrive.

MM came through BH first then SKO came by mid fight behind them to help them and we ended up clearing them both. Soon after that, a green hat team came(20 of them) from the south and we ended up clearing them as well. As time went on, we were on top of BH stairs and AZO told us SKO was east of 18 portals. We hit them and did so much teamwork and we about won until MM crashed and we didn't have a lot of food left so we left it on a high note.


By Nidoqueen




















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great fucking trip & high attendance  

`thanks to nek for scouting most of the trip :)

i shall upload my photos soon.

edit: sefket, great tanking those 4 dbowers @ ports.

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