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My new guitar and amplifier.


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stop being mean to incomparable

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Stop being a bitch for once


alright don't lose too much sleep over it m8

I'll keep that in mind ^_^

Thanks to everyone for helping me out and giving me tips, I have always liked music so much and now I get the chance to make it myself.


so she can make me a sig saying 'cunt destroyer'

that was her? oh... lol.  :lol:

Incomparable, I suggest you learn all the music theory you can. Learn all your scales, how to build chords, how to harmonise a scale, what harmony is, learn about melody, harmony and rythm and how to compose a song.

Playing guitar will be so much better for you if you learn the fundamentals of the music behind it.


doubt u can even play the chorus of mysterious girl.


doubt u can even play the chorus of mysterious girl.

Eb, Cm, Ab, Bb.

i, vi, iv, v progression. Standard.

I like to solo however in Eb phrygian which is the 3rd mode, or the mode of the relative minor, Cm. It's nice because the phrygian mode sounds very mysterious, and exotic which goes well with the progression and ofcourse the title.

I still need to work on this for you...


so she can make me a sig saying 'cunt destroyer'

that was her? oh... lol.  :lol:

Incomparable, I suggest you learn all the music theory you can. Learn all your scales, how to build chords, how to harmonise a scale, what harmony is, learn about melody, harmony and rythm and how to compose a song.

Playing guitar will be so much better for you if you learn the fundamentals of the music behind it.

Thanks again mate, I just learned to play the song White Stripes by Seven Nation Army, it's so easy and it sounds very good in my opinion! :sleep:

so she can make me a sig saying 'cunt destroyer'

that was her? oh... lol.  :lol:

Incomparable, I suggest you learn all the music theory you can. Learn all your scales, how to build chords, how to harmonise a scale, what harmony is, learn about melody, harmony and rythm and how to compose a song.

Playing guitar will be so much better for you if you learn the fundamentals of the music behind it.

the song White Stripes by Seven Nation Army



It's a pretty good song, very simple and effective. It's gets annoying to me after about 10 seconds though.

This is a really nice arrangement though.



It's a pretty good song, very simple and effective. It's gets annoying to me after about 10 seconds though.

This is a really nice arrangement though.


Yeah it gets annoying after a while, but for a starter it is pretty good to play, since it's so simple and it still sounds good.

I can't see the video somehow :o


Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars


Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars

A girl he has been lusting over for about a year.

And he is going to get good and play guitar, so one day he can throw rocks at her window at night, and play a melody for her, but anthony will come out naomis window, naked,  and tell him to piss off as he is disturbing the song he is playing; I just had sex - Lonely Island.


Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars

She isn't related to guitars. Fucked up people still going on about it are fucking morons, thinking that I still care. Lol :lol:

Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars

A girl he has been lusting over for about a year.

And he is going to get good and play guitar, so one day he can throw rocks at her window at night, and play a melody for her, but anthony will come out naomis window, naked,  and tell him to piss off as he is disturbing the song he is playing; I just had sex - Lonely Island.

Oh man, your so fucking hilarious.


naomi can't handle me.

Like a Baws


naomi can't handle me.



Hmm, okay one more post about Naomi and I'll just lock the topic lol..

So many immature kids on this forum tbh.

Next In Line

Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars

She isn't related to guitars. Fucked up people still going on about it are fucking morons, thinking that I still care. Lol :lol:

Who is Naomi and why is she related to guitars

A girl he has been lusting over for about a year.

And he is going to get good and play guitar, so one day he can throw rocks at her window at night, and play a melody for her, but anthony will come out naomis window, naked,  and tell him to piss off as he is disturbing the song he is playing; I just had sex - Lonely Island.

Oh man, your so fucking hilarious.

For someone who doesn't care you sure do use "fuck" a lot.


naomi can't handle me.


Spewed milk all over my monitor THANKS STEROIDS.



naomi can't handle me.



Okay, if you guys really want to know everything: I haven't spoken to naomi for about 6 months and then, all of a sudden, she apologized and wanted to be friends again. I ignored it.

Since a week I am in love with a totally different girl. The sweetest, most helful girl I have ever met. So please stop going on about naomi, cause that was like half a year ago and I don't care about her at all, so do yourselves a favour and come up with something new to troll me.

Thank you. ^_^


she aint gunna b so sweet when im done m8.


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