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Another Update


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So I've been slowly training the past few days, had some stuff come up IRL so haven't been on very much, and when I've gotten on, it's just been soul warring.  Well here's the latest achievement for you guys  ;)  <3

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Congrats there :) Loving the non-combats :P

Why SW so early though?


brandon, stick with rock crabs/experiments till like 75ish in the stat then soulwars, unless ur just use a sw bot, then its diff lol


grats on 60 str nice stats to btw


Grats and nice stats, u should go to rock crabs tho or do u use pure-sw and train on pyrefiends?


Grats but dont waste your zeals on such low levels :]

they are much better when you are higher level


Gratz, but yeah, I wouldn't waste zeal on that low of a level, wait till your about 70-75.


Why are you using a rune scimmy with 50 attack and 55 slayer?

Use leaf bladed sword.



Lol nice.


gratz, keep up the good work :)


Oh yeah I should be doing what you guys said.  I had a huge research paper due so I was afk swing while I wrote it.  :P

  • 3 months later...

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