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What too do now?


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This is my first pure, and i have no idea what i should train/ or what too do. Please help me with ideas


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thankyu :)

99 Mage Irl

13 prayer already...

well i guess you could do the following:

70 range for black d hide chaps

85 mage for tb

85-90 woodcutting/fishing to make some $$$

do all pure quests needed (don't train till after)

once you have done all the quests for your pure get 60 att and 90+ str


thanks dude, looking for more ideas. i was tempted by the bear haed too get 13 prayer


I'd say for now just get all your pure quests done, work on getting enough money to get 82 mage for blitz, and get 70 range. After that just no life strength for a while.


Get 60 att +70 Str do MM

Get 70 range / mage then you got a good little account coming along.

x kill die x

get 99 hunter, takes 2 months or so if you dont quit  :whistle: and get like 80+ in each stat (except atk).  with the money you get with hunter,like 25m+, you can buy high range/mage/str ;)

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