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Spittles (Old School)

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Spittles (Old School)

Idk I was looking up images and I see this chick with 2 black eyes so I'm like damn I'm going to click it. After doing so it turns out to be an article about a group of teen chicks who are cheerleaders beat up on this 16 year old girl and knocked her out twice. It's fucked up that shit actually happens in a home and they wouldn't let her out. I would of socked that bitch and walked out of the house.

Article: http://inthespotlite.blogspot.com/2008/04/teen-girls-beat-16-year-old-to-post.html

Worth a read...ok ok.. it's worth watching the video lol.

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Makes me sad, how can you live with yourself once you've done such a stupid fucked up thing.  Hope they get whats coming to them.

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this happend about 2-3yrs ago and trust me they coudent go outside anymore cause there were people on every bloody street corner with pitchforks..

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The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

The battery and false imprisonment charges could result in a 10 year sentence, while the kidnapping charge could add another 15 years in prison.

LOLOLOLOLOL OWNED!!!! There goes your life  :lol:.

Only because one girl posted non-cool things on another girl's myspace/facebook.

Seriously if any of those kids were children of mine, I would knock her the fuck out and disown her.

I was kinda waiting and hoping that chick would go all out and punch all of em out.

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That's the type of beating that ruins someone's mental health, I'd personally volunteer to brutally rape and kill each of those; guys included.

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If you were in a situation like that would you not find a blunt heavy object or a knife or soemthing and fuck them up? In my room alone i can see like 20 different objects to cave someones head in with. Sure as shit wouldn't sit there and take it like that.

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How old is this?

She could have at least made an effort, plenty of other people ahve stoof up to multiple people attacking them.

Still, I'm not sure what possessed them to do this. "To post it on the internet" Just for the lols I guess...

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Zz Nektas Zz

This 1 is old the girls invited her to the party and she came after that some boys vidded it and she git beated the whole time.

Its called happy slapping but the boys and girls could get for their whole live to spend in the jail

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Elven Dremor

Really pathetic. Good fight their lives, was it really worth it?

And why the fuck would they film it, and post it on the internet? Are they that retarded?

God this video angers me, I want to say so much more ... It's utterly disgusting and hope they get fucked up in prison.

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Spittles (Old School)

God this video angers me, I want to say so much more ... It's utterly disgusting and hope they get fucked up in prison.


People get jumped where I live all the time if they go out of line but the people who do it aren't fucked up like them well at least they're smart enough to not record it and tell the person they cant leave. That will up your sentence to 5 years just like they did with those idiots lol.. Especially making her go unconscience two times, that's fucked up shit.

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