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2011 — The Year Where PKing Became SHIT


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Scape is random generated hits, the same way you aim to get a nice KO so do others.  Who gets that is based on luck, sometimes it doesn't go your way.

No really?

Obv, that's not what I wanted to point out, I just wanted to show you how fucked up it is to always pk in the same loc where you always find the same sad people that either rag or tab once u grab ur dds and mostly are higher cmb then you


I'm pretty sure PKing has been dead for a while, not just 2011.

Spittles (Old School)

The new wilderness never fascinated me with all the new updates prior to the wilderness v2 update. Just made pking less "skillful". Back in the days only people with pking skills could do work now all you need is turmoil and chaotic which is based on random lucky hits. No skill in that what so ever.

Same thing with the economy, if you had more than 25m back in the days you were set now you need 100m just to be slightly satisfied. That's at least how it was for me.

l am anthrax

I think that weps like dds/gmaul have been secretly nerfed.

Diable Jambe

I know how you feel, sucks ¬¬

Dave (Cha0s)

People moan year on year this is the year that ruined pking since RS was created.

If people didnt realise yet, RS hits are basically randomly generated, Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry, suck it up.


i blame ancient curses


People moan year on year this is the year that ruined pking since RS was created.

If people didnt realise yet, RS hits are basically randomly generated, Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry, suck it up.

R u this dumb? I understand that the hits are randomly generated it's just the way how people pk is sad, like rags and tab whenever I grab dds gosh idiots
Mila Kunis

i never solo pk anymore, only pk with Foe, that's why im so happy to be part of this clan, you get loots+ have lots of fun. Sorted.

Dave (Cha0s)

People moan year on year this is the year that ruined pking since RS was created.

If people didnt realise yet, RS hits are basically randomly generated, Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry, suck it up.

R u this dumb? I understand that the hits are randomly generated it's just the way how people pk is sad, like rags and tab whenever I grab dds gosh idiots

Hah, There has always been faggots in wild since the dawn of time, Why do u think clans like FOE created an honour code?

Welcome to high level pure unit. The higher level your pure is, the more people who want to rag you :)


722 in rag...that would piss me off so much. so what you gonna do? just quit pking?


that 722 is such a piss take, would have been a good pk vid though with the high risk =/


People moan year on year this is the year that ruined pking since RS was created.

If people didnt realise yet, RS hits are basically randomly generated, Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry, suck it up.

R u this dumb? I understand that the hits are randomly generated it's just the way how people pk is sad, like rags and tab whenever I grab dds gosh idiots

Hah, There has always been faggots in wild since the dawn of time, Why do u think clans like FOE created an honour code?

Welcome to high level pure unit. The higher level your pure is, the more people who want to rag you :)

Ikr hence I'm making a new one lol, 80 attack was a huge mistake for my account

I only attend FOE events and enjoy them every time; also, I think you should give that naked sara sword pking at edge a shot... it's like crap gear, but you will have great koing power with turmoil.


they need to fix pjing thing, make it like bh and pvp

Senior Hard

u should start pking with me n the rest of #snorts/ultras mid-lvl accs at easts, pretty fun if u give it a chance. me n ronald get 5-10m kills on a daily basis, we just need more ppl cause when we duo we usually cant take on the big-ass risking units


shit happens, pking at that level is always gunna be hard


I only attend FOE events and enjoy them every time; also, I think you should give that naked sara sword pking at edge a shot... it's like crap gear, but you will have great koing power with turmoil.

Mhm that would be easy, but I'm not really an edge pker all I do is hybrid and the places where you hybrid is either full of rags or hybrids that tele as soon as u pull ur dds.. It's madness

I'm pretty sure PKing has been dead for a while, not just 2011.


yea i always hit 490 when he has like 495 hp left.

Fearless Day

100% true, hope 2 see vids soon from u! :)


Agreed, this new pking sucks.

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