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Real Talk, Real Bulk

S 6 I 6 N 6

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S 6 I 6 N 6

Sorry i haven't posted, i never really played rs when i was on here.. i just botted.

But i quit botting and haven't' really been on the computer.





S 6 I 6 N 6

Ps. I'm in my 5th week of my 12 week clean bulk.


How's your balls?


pushing that bicep up with ur hand



wow nice bro

however dont quit boting!


Doesn't look clean :/ you've lost alot of definition and your face looks fatterĀ  :(

GJ getting bigger though!


nice but its hard to tell how much you've progressed from an angle like that.


Looking good bro! I'm gonna start a clean bulking session when I return to university in september, cannot wait. Post more pictures! (No homo)

S 6 I 6 N 6

How's your balls?

Want pic?

pushing that bicep up with ur hand


I don't know how flimsy your bicep is.. but when mine is flexed i can't even move it at all. Holding phone with Thumb and middle finger, pressing the camera button with my index. Phone is placed where it is to center picture.

Doesn't look clean :/ you've lost alot of definition and your face looks fatterĀ  :(

GJ getting bigger though!

I've gone from 165 from a cut to 193 weighed in today. Eating 3400 Calories clean. 3 Main course meals i eat until i feel like i'm about to puke. Total of 7 Meals per day, same thing every day.

S 6 I 6 N 6

And to add in, i eat so much i'm bloated all day. Drink 1 & 1/2 to 2 gallons of water a day.

S 6 I 6 N 6

Looking good bro! I'm gonna start a clean bulking session when I return to university in september, cannot wait. Post more pictures! (No homo)

Currently all i have is my iphone to take pictures with, which makes it hard. My brother is going to come over with his macbook that has the 3 second timer so i can do lat spread, double back bi and most muscular.

Mike (0BR)

Strong bulk.

Post clean bulk meal.


You been eating the exact same thing every day?

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