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Bill 2.978


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If you can't be arsed listening to 17 minutes, which i totally understand, here's the tl;dr version.

TL;DR version - If this bill gets passed, all videos of video game footage are banned, half of Youtube will be like fucked over, business will be shut down, won't be able to stream a lot of things due to copyright, if found doing it, possible heavy fines and prison sentences

I suggest listening to him, doubt it'll happen as all jails will be full yadda yadda, but, never know.
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Gareth l Rare

Ill listen to it monday coz cant atm...

but by soudns of it, this is super fucked!!!..... well youtube was a good thing, now to find the next best thing

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This is so dumb. Just the Government trying to take away more of your rights. As if directors of movies and shit don't already have enough money..

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brb calling obama to strike this shit down.

no but really this is just plain stupidity, really hope this gets shut down asap

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we got that in france (for movies and music)

but only 14 year olds get caught downloading...

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The only reason this would ever pass is if gaming companies had a problem with the videos, which they don't, because they promote their games. Also wtf do i care about an AMERICAN bill, sue me in aus? lol

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It wont pass. even the companies who own the games benefit from people uploading footage.

It's free promotion for their game and more sales for them. - if this passes I can see quite a few pissed off companies taking action >_>

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The only reason this would ever pass is if gaming companies had a problem with the videos, which they don't, because they promote their games. Also wtf do i care about an AMERICAN bill, sue me in aus? lol

Pretty sure the internet's laws are applied based on the country the website is hosted in, isn't youtube an American site? :s if so it'll mean they won't have any more gaming videos.

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If it's passed someone is going to make a lot of money setting up a popular alternative.

Gotta agree with this. Be like that Simpsons episode where Homer makes money with dem alcohol in bowling balls.

But seriously, it can be passed considering all the politicians and that don't actually realise how many people watch Youtube videos/streams etc, some don't even have a clue what Youtube is, never been on it in their life, so it can be passed, just hope it doesn't.

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The only reason this would ever pass is if gaming companies had a problem with the videos, which they don't, because they promote their games. Also wtf do i care about an AMERICAN bill, sue me in aus? lol

Pretty sure the internet's laws are applied based on the country the website is hosted in, isn't youtube an American site? :s if so it'll mean they won't have any more gaming videos.

Pretty sure Youtube isn't the only video host on the internet.

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The only reason this would ever pass is if gaming companies had a problem with the videos, which they don't, because they promote their games. Also wtf do i care about an AMERICAN bill, sue me in aus? lol

Pretty sure the internet's laws are applied based on the country the website is hosted in, isn't youtube an American site? :s if so it'll mean they won't have any more gaming videos.

Pretty sure Youtube isn't the only video host on the internet.

by far the most popular lol, i wouldn't want to have to change

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