Env Posted August 11, 2011 Author Posted August 11, 2011 8/11/11 Squat 8x45 5x95 3x135 6x180 4x180 4x180 Bench 8x45 5x65 3x75 4x90 4x90 3x90 Deadlift 8x45 5x95 3x135 5x175 Recorded some clips of each lift to see how my form was
Env Posted August 16, 2011 Author Posted August 16, 2011 8/15/11 Changin' things up. Numbers look a little weird, trying to figure out where I stand on each lift. Squat 8x45 5x95 3x135 4x185 4x185 3x185 Leg Press 8x90 7x180 5x270 1x320 5x270 Leg Curl 8x45 5x55 1.5x60 5x55 Calf Raises 8x20 idk why i started at 20... 7x30 5x50 4x70 3x90 3x100 2x110 2x110 Was planning on doing Leg Extensions as well, but these four lifts did me in pretty well and it was already past an hour. So what do you guys think of my leg routine? Planning on doing a 4 day split - Legs, Back&Biceps, Shoulders, Chest&Triceps. Haven't quite finished my plans for the other days but I'll post em up here when I do.
Steroids Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 yeh get on a muscle building split tbh. not going to post the vids?
Env Posted August 17, 2011 Author Posted August 17, 2011 8/16/11 Did Chest/Tri last night Bench Press 5x85 6x85 3x90 Pec Fly - felt it too much in my shoulders :/ 5x50 3x55 6x50 EZ bar tricep extensions - these felt good, a lot of burn in my tri's 7x20 3x30 6x20 Close grip bench 8x45 6x55 5x55 4x60 Tried out some other lifts too: cable flys, tricep pulldown, different pec flys. Not quite sure which lifts I'll keep in my routine. Might do some more research.
Env Posted August 19, 2011 Author Posted August 19, 2011 8/18/11 Back & Bi Triceps are still sore as shit :[ Deadlift 8x45 5x95 3x135 3x185 3x200 omg? 1.5x200 Bent Over Row 8x45 5x65 7x75 4x80 fail forgot to add plate to both sides wasn't feelin these in my mid back like I wanted to so I switched to reverse grip and was better, felt a lot in my forearms 10x75 6x75 6x75 Lat Pulldown started out wide grip 8x40 6x70 7x80 moved to close grip, much better 10x80 5x100 4x100 Curls did all types of curls: concentrated, hammer, ez bar, but the best one for me was just the regular ones tbh 10x15 4x20 7x15 7x15 arms are dead, my triceps still sore as fuck from two days ago wtf
Steroids Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 its still as if ur on ur starting strength routine in a way. y are you doing just a couple exercises for each muscle group but doing loads of sets lol? variation is important for improvement and morale.
Env Posted August 20, 2011 Author Posted August 20, 2011 its still as if ur on ur starting strength routine in a way. y are you doing just a couple exercises for each muscle group but doing loads of sets lol? variation is important for improvement and morale. I do warmups and like 3 work sets?
Env Posted August 20, 2011 Author Posted August 20, 2011 8/19/11 Shoulders Military Press 8x45 5x55 5x65 5x65 5x65 Upright Row 8x20 5x30 5x40 5x50 5x50 5x50 Shrug 8x45 5x75 3x95 5x85 Power Partial 8x4 5x8 8x10 8x10 7x10 Shoulder Press 5x50 4x50 4x50
Env Posted August 23, 2011 Author Posted August 23, 2011 8/22/11 Flat Bench 8x45 5x65 5x85 5x85 4x85 Close Grip Bench 8x45 6x65 6x65 5x65 Incline Bench 8x45 6x55 5x55 5x55 Skullcrusher 8x20 14x20 12x20 Pec Deck 8x30 4x50 6x40 6x40 Tricep Pushdown 8x30 10x40 6x50 8x40
Steroids Posted August 23, 2011 Posted August 23, 2011 close grip bench more than you can incline? pec decks shit compared to flys / cable cross' etc. y do u mix it between muscles, do each muscle group after eachother. ur triceps need to be at a good standard whilst doing chest, whereas training ur triceps doesn't incorporate chest. do chest first, then tri's.
Env Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 8/24/11 Squat 8x45 5x95 3x135 4x185 3x190 forced loading :[ 2.5x190 Leg Press 8x180 prob started a lil too high 5x230 7x270 6x270 5x270 was absolutely wasted after these first two lifts but i pushed on... Leg Curl 8x25 5x45 3x55 4x50 4x50 Leg Extension 5x25 10x10 12x25 13x30 Calf Raise 8x50 6x70 10x90 10x90 9x90 Does rep speed really matter on isolations? I find it hard to keep a real constant speed but I have to force myself to slow it down sometimes. Should I be following 2-1-2 rep speeds or does it not matter?
Tango_Oscar Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 2-1-2 rep speeds are best for muscle building, i usually follow it for the non really heavy sets of 8-10, but since i 'one sided pyramid set' when i go down to low reps high weights, i just do it as fast as possible
Env Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 2-1-2 rep speeds are best for muscle building, i usually follow it for the non really heavy sets of 8-10, but since i 'one sided pyramid set' when i go down to low reps high weights, i just do it as fast as possible so is that a no? :)
Steroids Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 just follow the timing. soon it will be fairly natural anyway.
Tango_Oscar Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 As chris said, you dont need to have somebody with a stopwatch telling you when to contract and retract lol. Its just a guideline really
Env Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 As chris said, you dont need to have somebody with a stopwatch telling you when to contract and retract lol. Its just a guideline really Ok, yeah I just kind of count it out in my head. But on some of the lifts I feel the need to do em faster idk. Is there a certain way I need to breathe too? On most lifts I inhale, lift, exhale. But sometimes its the other way around idk.
Env Posted August 26, 2011 Author Posted August 26, 2011 8/25/11 Military Press 8x45 6x65 oops 3x70 4x70 3.5x70 Upright Row 8x30 wtf power went out as i was putting bar back.. went pitch black and i lift at 10pm in my gym like no1 there 5x40 7x55 5x55 5x55 Shrug 8x45 5x65 8x85 8x85 8x85 Side Laterals 10x10 9x10 8x10 DB Shoulder Press 10x10 10x15 6x20 6x20 6x20 had to rush my workout today as i was fearing for my life.. hope they fix the power by tmrw
Reevesy Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 lmao at least u didnt faint and scream for ur mommy like sefket did that one time during a pk trip
Env Posted August 26, 2011 Author Posted August 26, 2011 lmao at least u didnt faint and scream for ur mommy like sefket did that one time during a pk trip it was scary bro, no windows so it was black as ultra everywhere. and i was putting the ez bar back on the rack as it went out and i dropped the bar and it hit every other bar on the way down. fwak
Adam|Spakka Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 ur so lucky ur gym is empty, i have to queue for dumbells...
Env Posted August 26, 2011 Author Posted August 26, 2011 ur so lucky ur gym is empty, i have to queue for dumbells... gotta love goin to gym at 10 at night
Steroids Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 rest periods r so boring with no1 to watch and silently judge.
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