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what fun should i have?

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alrighty, i have an account right now that has 60 att 96 str 1 def 99 range 99 mage and 45 pray, the longturm goal is a maxed turm zerker. however at the moment i dont know if i should get 40 def right now and pk with 60 att, or should i wait on the def and get 70 att?

i have never had a zerker and i also have never had a pure over 60 att, is 60+ att fun on a pure? is 60 att rune pure a fun acc?

need opinions


if u dont have 200m for turmoil, dont evan think about getting def up, but anywaiz if u have money for turmoil then quest 30 def with turmoil/rune gloves quest and leave the hand cannonand few other def quests alone,after u gunna get bored of 30 def just get 40-45 but then u will get raped and gonna become main, pritty much be 30def 60-80att zerk


60 attack 40 def turmoil rapes, but yeah wouldnt make any big decisions less u got the full bank etc

FearMy Def

60 att turm!


if u dont have 200m for turmoil, dont evan think about getting def up, but anywaiz if u have money for turmoil then quest 30 def with turmoil/rune gloves quest and leave the hand cannonand few other def quests alone,after u gunna get bored of 30 def just get 40-45 but then u will get raped and gonna become main, pritty much be 30def 60-80att zerk

this. 30 def is boring, but 40 def is a mistake.

could probably squeeze by getting turm with 150m or so doing d bones and going welfare training the other required quest stats (smithing, construction, etc.) get 30 and stay 30. once you get 40 then youll go 45. youll make a mistake and get 46. then youll decided may as well go 50/60/70. next thing you know your 99.


I'd stay 60 att.

I wouldn't go zerker, you're asking a pure clan.

I'd only get higher attack if you either have a chaotic or 80 slayer for that new whip update or whatever it is.

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