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60 attack

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Was 51 att so thought my g maul pure failed, so I got 60 att :D

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heres just a hit :ahhh:

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Note: I DONT REGRET! ^_^


Gratz and nice spec :p


Good thing you don't regret.

Get that range to 85 and it's an awesome pking acc :).


Good thing you don't regret.

Get that range to 85 and it's an awesome pking acc :).

i will, but where should i train? :o

Good thing you don't regret.

Get that range to 85 and it's an awesome pking acc :).

i will, but where should i train? :o

I used slayer to get my range up, broad bolts are really good nd slayer is profit.

Slower then constant training that's a downside though.

I have no idea where else to train, when I trained my range from 75-85 was like 3 years ago rofl.

I'd atleast get 55 slay for broad bolts.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. i did the same thing like 1 and a half years back. i regret it soo much :( would pay my entire bank to be 51 attack again :(( or 50


Congrats, 60 is the way to go =D


Nice spec

Try training range caged ogres in the king combat training camp and fire giants in waterfall quest

Richy ranger

Such a shame d: but congrats & nice specs ;)

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