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In Dot hybriding in MAX mage for a pure literally

hi im dot

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I really enjoyed it

It was varied and awesome to watch



so fucking overeditted...

Connor|New Recruits

I closed it when the 2nd song came on and it was flashing like crazy.

You had 2 clips at that point in max mage, both killing noobs.


yah saved the real fights with max mage on for the better song which was the 3rd song u didnt get to

just wondering, why do u hate flashing like crazy effects because i saw your pvp vid 1 and you had some flashing effects... maybe give me some points for my next vid would be nice


Good hits but it was over edited:

5+ flashes in a row is annoying

Also when you added the shake it was too long for example in 2:45 I couldnt see the fight until hit at end

Overall it was decent, just the over editing took a lot from the vid 7/10


too overedited to enjoy...


Turned it off at like 4 minutes because the flashes were more annoying then eye candy. And the song was annoying for my taste.

LMFAO remix is legit though


Gave me a headache, good vid though.


It was alright :/


Hard for me to enjoy because every time the shaking parts come, I'd have to close my eyes for a few secs. lol

I like how you mixed some hip-hop with your vid though.

Nice stats & cb lvl?


aight but dnt like the music.


u own, too much editting tho

Richy ranger

way to overeditted.


flashing is k, excessive flashing is not.

Max mage pking would get more credit if it wasnt done with tabs, as any idiot can run around with exspensive shit when they can jus tab if the going gets tough.

just didnt doit for me


just wondering, why do u hate flashing like crazy effects because i saw your pvp vid 1 and you had some flashing effects... maybe give me some points for my next vid would be nice < DONT EDIT YOURSELF


i liked it. apart from teles and pjing it was pretty good imo.

and yeah nice gear n shit. but if you actually pked without tabs, didnt pj all the time, maybe pked deeper than lvl 3 / next to a bank.

it would be awesome.


Clips were overedited so bad and there isn't 1 clip where you pk in actual max mage.


Not max mage - Didnt have wiz boots


Was a great video mate.

Loved it ;). Saw ur topic on RSC.

Didn't I know/knew you? Ur name seems familiar.


Was a great video mate.

Loved it ;). Saw ur topic on RSC.

Didn't I know/knew you? Ur name seems familiar.

You may be thinking of "In Dit" who was in FOE I think.

I had an epileptic seizure at 4:00

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