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Made an obby mauler for teh lulz.

spiit n pk

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I made an obby mauler, and its 62 str 59 mining and 53 hp, one everything else. Pking on this account, its hard to find people to fight my level so most fights are target fights with 80+ ep. i always get kills i think ive only not won like 1 fight out of 60-62 str pking because i got teamed by like 19 summoning tank pures (lolfail).

Anyways, now i got like 19m from pking, and since i feel like i failed my real pure by getting 60 att instead of staying 50, im thinking i should train this guy up. but my last mauler didnt seem to come into shape as fast as others because i think i got range and melee at the wrong times. what should i level first? mage/range or att/str or should i do somthing totally different with the account i really dont know ive been sitting on the account wondering what to do, cuz theres only so much money you can spend when all you pk with is a neclace full iron and a maul lol, ive been wondering for 2 weeks what to do on it, so i decided to ask the foe community :) lol


Well... you can check out my stats, im an obby tanker. always really fun.

If you have 1 attk and prayer you can be a torag mauler, i got 45 def because of 43 prayer/10 attk =\

fun tho


20 att maybe and use corrupt weapons in combo with maul, throw range in to the mix as well


Either straight up get 60 attack and you don't really have to worry about what stats you get so long as you aim for 94/94/94 eventually.

Or you should actually make an epic mauler with 80+ strength.


nahh man dont ruin it lol, an obby mauler with alot of cash is fun as hell apparently.


yeah maulers with 20 atk are shits fun with v long...seriously. they RAPE


i disagree with your title, cocks cannot be said to be rich in a monetary term, so unless you are saying your account is rich in cum; that was a bad sentence.

have a nice day.

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