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guess ill start posting for ya'll idiots to read, providing i dont get my forum acc deleted again, i have about 5 months worth of training logs ill just start with todays.

weight x reps allways.



barx20 / 44lb

40x10  / 88lb

60x8    / 132lb

80x3    / 176lb

100x1  / 220lb

120x2  / 264lb LOL failed 3rd. PRRRRRR, +5kg -1 rep


just to let u foe kids know, y i seem like such an emo above is cuz ive basically added 15-20kg/33-44lb on my bench in the past 2-3 weeks. shyea.

close grip pin press (bar touches my chest whilst on pins.)

60x5 132lb

80x5 176lb

97.5x7 215lb.  +2.5kg/5.5lb  +1 rep  since last time ha

paused bench

60x5 132lb

70x5 154lb

90x8 198lb PR +5kg/11lb same reps as last week

seated military

40x5 88lb

50x5 110lb

65x5 143lb failed 6th fuck sake, 2.5 more same reps though

yes my shoulders r weak in terms of my bench, i have v long arms and have only started doing shoulders the past few weeks rly.

currently bulking hard lol

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nice but only just started training shoulders when i assume uv been going for 1-2 years?? lol.


nice but only just started training shoulders when i assume uv been going for 1-2 years?? lol.

15 and a half months, did them occasionaly but not religiously like now.


did u do traps with back or just miss them out too?


did u do traps with back or just miss them out too?

not for a long time i didnt but have past 5 months


wheres ur squat numbers cunt.


wheres ur squat numbers cunt.

im glad u squat n bench in the same day retard lol


Why you do such low reps on bench, jw


Your shoulders are out of whack with your chest lol. But good job benching 275 lbs bro. It'd be nice to have some progress pics.

Oh and height and weight?


Your shoulders are out of whack with your chest lol. But good job benching 275 lbs bro. It'd be nice to have some progress pics.

Oh and height and weight?

yea ik, i have very long arms too lol ill post some soon, i'm fat but i do not give a fuck. im 6'2.5 and not exactly sure u weight been bulking like shit lol maybe 256/257, the reason i do not care is because im not afraid. my friend bulked to about 320lb, just to stay natural, he bulked there from about 250, in 6 months, his lifts went from 400lb dead to 685, bench from about 264x5 to 400x8 and squat i think from around 286 for reps to 605x5, he is truely a crazy bastard, he has now lost 85lb and looks pretty amazing lol, hes rebulking and has abs.. at the weight of 245 and 6 foot, he told me i will get a lot of shit for bulking n getting fat and strong cuz people get jelous and acuse u of shit, but when u lose the fat they can't say fucking shit lol.

so im probably not wrong in saying that my bench is now going to go up even more, i'll probably manage 275x2/3 next time as i now fully understand and believe that gaining weight is the answer to size and strength lol, either get fat or take drugs. and im not at a stage where i'd like to be to take drugs atm lol. but yeah as i said, i fi get 275x2/3 next time ill do 286x1, then the week after 286x2 and 297x1 im pretty excited lol


cba getting someone tot ake pics of me so ill just post that, it was over a month ago now.


wheres ur squat numbers cunt.

im glad u squat n bench in the same day retard lol

what's wrong with squatting and benching in the same day you derp! such a broscientist.


cuz ud be in the gym for ages if you were doing chest/shoulders/legs properly.


Why you do such low reps on bench, jw

peaking adding 11lb each time, until i hit 1rm then im gonna knock it down to something i can hit like 12-15 reps with, and add 11 a week


cba getting someone tot ake pics of me so ill just post that, it was over a month ago now.


reevesy you tank you




60x8  132lb

100x3 220lb

140x1 308lb

160x9 352lb LOL pr, +10kg/22lb from last week with 1 rep less, last rep was almost a hitch

romanian deadlift

60x5 132lb

100x5 220lb

130x10 286lb PR, +5kg/11lb and +2 reps from last week

dead-stop legpress (paused at the bottom on the guards)

180x5 396lb

230x10 507lb all paused at the bottom. +10kg/22lb +2 reps from last week


+20kg / 44lb x6

+40kg / 88lb x6 stopped was awkward on my knees..


I thought your head was gonna blow when you dead lifted in the vid loL.


I thought your head was gonna blow when you dead lifted in the vid loL.

that sir is called effort.



felt great today but it was fucking shit


barx20 /44lb

40x10  / 88lb

60x8    132lb

80x3    176lb

100x1  220lb

125x1.. failed 2nd. 275lb

130xf failed, 286lb. friend helped me get past an inch of sticking point.

close grip pin press

60x5 132lb

80x5 176lb

100x5..220lb +2.5kg/5.5lb lost 2 reps fucksake

paused bench

92.5x6/204lb .. lost 2 reps +2.5kg fucksake

seated military pin press

40x5 /88lb

50x5 /110lb

67.5x1/149lb........................ this was easy enough then i dunno wtf happened +2.5kg lost 4 reps im pretty pissed off

just gonna do same weight next time and hopefully the day wont be as shit.


I know your going heavy, but doing sets of 1 isnt very effective :s i know people say you need low reps, but 1 is too low, id say 3-5 is best.

If you know what your doing good luck though!  :)


I know your going heavy, but doing sets of 1 isnt very effective :s i know people say you need low reps, but 1 is too low, id say 3-5 is best.

If you know what your doing good luck though!  :)

yes i do im peaking atm, not maxing every session. ive only started copying my log from another forum to here. thats y you think im doing 1 reps a lot


I know your going heavy, but doing sets of 1 isnt very effective :s i know people say you need low reps, but 1 is too low, id say 3-5 is best.

If you know what your doing good luck though!  :)

yes i do im peaking atm, not maxing every session. ive only started copying my log from another forum to here. thats y you think im doing 1 reps a lot

Yeah fair dooze, look good in your deadlift video, better than most the scrawny mugs on here


I know your going heavy, but doing sets of 1 isnt very effective :s i know people say you need low reps, but 1 is too low, id say 3-5 is best.

If you know what your doing good luck though!  :)

yes i do im peaking atm, not maxing every session. ive only started copying my log from another forum to here. thats y you think im doing 1 reps a lot

Yeah fair dooze, look good in your deadlift video, better than most the scrawny mugs on here

hope u werent referring to me as scrawny lol


I know your going heavy, but doing sets of 1 isnt very effective :s i know people say you need low reps, but 1 is too low, id say 3-5 is best.

If you know what your doing good luck though!  :)

yes i do im peaking atm, not maxing every session. ive only started copying my log from another forum to here. thats y you think im doing 1 reps a lot

Yeah fair dooze, look good in your deadlift video, better than most the scrawny mugs on here

hope u werent referring to me as scrawny lol

Nahh i meant that you looked big, better than the people on these forums who are scrawny but claim to know loads haha



barbell row

barx12 44lb

60x8    132lb

80x5    176lb

110x13 220lb hard lol, +5kg +3 reps

hammerstrength pulldown

40x8 88lb

80x8 176lb

130x12 286lb +5kg -1 reps

cable low row

60x8 132lb

80x5 176lb

100x15 220lb +5kg equal reps. full stack LoL.

barbell curl

20x8 44lb

30x5 66lb

40x9 88lb turns out im better at bb curls than e-z bar lol

my biceps r week lack of training them lol

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