Reevesy Posted October 31, 2011 Author Posted October 31, 2011 31/10/2011 squat, was gona do to box but felt fucking shitty on warmups 60x8 80x5 100x11 started tipping, racked. romanian deadlift 60x10 100x20, did em slow, annoying 1 hamstring tighter than the other. deficit deadlift 100x3 150x5 piece of shit had belt loose so it was digging in raping me whilst not even supporting. narrow stance legpress 140x10 180x10 220x20 lol fucking quads raped. hamstring curl (slow) 50x15 50x10 40x10 seated calf raise 20x20 40x20 45x30
Tom (Rendition) Posted October 31, 2011 Posted October 31, 2011 I'd hate doing deadlift slow. I see it as an explosive exercise. Why slow?
Reevesy Posted October 31, 2011 Author Posted October 31, 2011 I'd hate doing deadlift slow. I see it as an explosive exercise. Why slow? cause you misread it. ROMANIAN deadlift.
Reevesy Posted November 1, 2011 Author Posted November 1, 2011 01/10/2011 v-bar pulldown 30x12 50x10 65x8 80x13 lol +5kg same reps, +4 reps from last time i did 80kg. widegrip pulldown 40x10 55x20 +5kg same reps. chest supported t-bar row, neutral grip. 20x12 40x8 60x13 +5kg -2reps :) happy with this strict barbell row barx12 50x12 65x15 +5kg same reps barbell shrug 60x20 110x20 +5kg same reps can easily do more but no point really 8 SLOW negative hammer chins. seated incline alternating dumbbell curl 12.5s x15 ea 15s x7 ea like no rest between sets. 12.5s x10 ea
Reevesy Posted November 2, 2011 Author Posted November 2, 2011 02/11/2011 paused incline bench barx15 60x5 85x7 +2.5kg same reps , gonna stop doing incline now n move to paused flat bench, not a comfortable exercise CG floor press. 60x8 105x6 almost 7 +5kg -2reps, expected, triceps are sore. strict press barx10 35x6 50x10 +2.5kg same reps pushpress 50x3 70x5 +2.5kg same reps, last time i did 70 i wasn't doing cardio n only got 3 reps, so improvement in 3 weeks. flat bench paused (using new bar now, one thats straight, it has ballbearings in so slightly awkward so thought i'd get some practise in. 60x8 80x10 could've done more easily but that'll do for now. cable side raises 5x12 ea arm 10x15 ea arm.
Reevesy Posted November 4, 2011 Author Posted November 4, 2011 04/11/2011 v-bar pulldown 30x12 50x10 65x8 85x10 +5kg -3reps lol still goodddd. wide grip pulldown 40x10 60x18 +5kg -2reps chest supported t-bar row neutral grip 20x12 40x8 65x10 only justttt. next time going down to 40kg and using the wide grip. barbell row barx12 50x10 70x20 +5kg +5reps lol shrugs 70x20 115x20 +5kg same reps once again easy. e-z bar curl 15x10 25x10 30x15 incline seated db curl 10s x15 ea arm pretty fooked.
Reevesy Posted November 5, 2011 Author Posted November 5, 2011 05/11/2011 PAUSED bench. (with spinny bar) barx20 just normal, warm up. 40x6 paused 60x8 paused 85x13 paused baseline pr i guess PAUSED close grip. (with spinny bar) 60x6 75x16 baseline PR. paused seated military (with spinny bar) barx10 40x6 55x9 baseline PR. lol only just failed 10th ah well. cable side raises 5x12 ea arm 7.5x15 ea arm side/rear delt raise lying on chest supported t-bar 5x12 ea arm 7.5x20 ea arm.
Reevesy Posted November 6, 2011 Author Posted November 6, 2011 06/11/2011 squat 60x5 80x3 105x12 +5kg +1rep long ass fucking set deadlift 60x8 100x5 140x5 160x2 just getting used to it again, been sdo long, form was questionable lol all felt far heavier than it used to :| hopefully it'll come back to me. legpress (narrow stance) 100x10 140x10 180x10 240x15 drop setted to 180x10 drop setted to 140x10 fucking rapey ass drop set. leg extension 25x12 30x12 35x20 cba doing any more lol
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 Why have you not been deadlifting? Are you going gym everyday atm?
Reevesy Posted November 6, 2011 Author Posted November 6, 2011 Why have you not been deadlifting? Are you going gym everyday atm? couldn't b fucking arsed and no.
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 Why have you not been deadlifting? Are you going gym everyday atm? couldn't b fucking arsed and no. usoft?
Reevesy Posted November 6, 2011 Author Posted November 6, 2011 Why have you not been deadlifting? Are you going gym everyday atm? couldn't b fucking arsed and no. usoft? you are the one who broke his back first time deadlifting, no?
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 Why have you not been deadlifting? Are you going gym everyday atm? couldn't b fucking arsed and no. usoft? you are the one who broke his back first time deadlifting, no? CALM DOWN SONNY JIM, I WAS ONLY PULLING YOUR LEG. Had a bad lower back for a long time though, used to jar it trampolining and stuff when I was just a nipper.
Reevesy Posted November 7, 2011 Author Posted November 7, 2011 07/11/2011 v-bar pulldown 30x12 50x10 70x8 90x8 +5kg -2reps time 2 reset underhand pulldown 50x10 65x15 not sure if im going to do this again cause it was a bit weird on biceps wide grip chest supported tbar row 20x12 45x22. baseline pr. barbell row 60x12 80x20 +10kg same reps. shrugs 80x20 120x15 +5kg +5 reps lol fucking hate high reps on this but yeah i want my traps to growwwww alternating bicep curl 15s x10 ea arm 17.5s x12 ea arm dumbbell preacher on an extremely high set incline bench 12.5 x8 ea arm 10 x12 ea arm , this fucking pumps ur arms up lol; super setted to straight bar curl 20x10 just to finish. @walli shutup sausage fingers
Reevesy Posted November 8, 2011 Author Posted November 8, 2011 08/11/2011 paused bench w/spinnybar. barx20 regular warmup 60x8 paused 90x13 paused fucking an inch from locking out 14th. +5kg same reps.. HAPPY DAYS close grip paused 60x6 80x13 meh not bad triceps fooked from bench set +5kg -3reps. paused seated military barx8 40x6 57.5x8 close to finishing 9, oh well. cable side raises 5x12 ea arm 11.25x15 ea arm rear/side delt raises lying on t-bar 8.25x20 ea arm.
Reevesy Posted November 9, 2011 Author Posted November 9, 2011 i have a random stabbing pain in my upper back/shoulder blade area from sitting awkwardly today so all my lifts were quite painful lol deadlift 140x12 baseline for working my way up, did these slower and better form than usual, my legs were burning afterwords. hack squat, i hope i get used to this cos my back was lifting off and causing pain. 60x8 100x8 140x12 with knee wraps 10 reps continuous, fucking right calf felt like it was going to break so i stopped. narrow stance legpress, once again back was lifting off i think its due to tight hams. 140x8 180x8 280x6 in knee wraps lol, i think the weight overwhelmed me a bit ham curl 50x10 50x10 calf raise 20x20 40x20 50x30
gothic slut Posted November 9, 2011 Posted November 9, 2011 this just seems like free post count to me haha (;
Reevesy Posted November 9, 2011 Author Posted November 9, 2011 this just seems like free post count to me haha (; hush now cuntures
Reevesy Posted November 10, 2011 Author Posted November 10, 2011 10/11/2011 v-bar pulldown 30x12 50x10 70x8 95x8 +5kg same reps gonna go back down now hammerstrength pulldown 40x10 80x10 120x16 matches all time pr i think. wide grip t-bar row 40x10 50x20 +5kg -2reps. barbell row 60x10 85x20 shrug 85x12 125x25 +5kg same reps i really do hate high reps on this. dumbbell preacher pad extremely high incline bench 10s x12 ea arm 12.5s x10 ea arm standing strict as fuck alternating curl 12.5s x10 ea arm 15s x10 ea arm reverse curl..awkward as fuck 10x15 15x12.
Reevesy Posted November 11, 2011 Author Posted November 11, 2011 11/11/2011 pec's werent 100% neither were front delts and it shows. Ahhhh well :P. flat bench barx20 60x6 paused 95x9 paused +5kg -4reps lolwutt close grip bench 60x6 paused 85x13 paused - fuck yea +5kg same reps omg the last rep , the last ONE inch of lockout took over 5 seconds, srsly hardest rep ive ever done. paused seated military press barx6 40x6 60x7 +2.5kg -1rep ahwell, expected really. strict dumbbell side raises 7.5x15 7.5x20 rear raises lying on t-bar row. 7.5x20 some bastards had the 10s .
Reevesy Posted November 12, 2011 Author Posted November 12, 2011 12/11/2011 deadlift 60x8 100x5 145x8 pile of wank. prob not recovered. hack squat 40x8 80x8 150x15 CONTINUOUS +10kg +3 reps (knee wraps) legpress.. felt like shit back was lifting up so didnt do it. standing squat machine thing.. (standing platform is positioned so you can go serious atg) 60x8 100x8 140x10 one legged plate loaded hamstring curl. 5x10 ea leg 10x20 ea leg surprisingly hard for the weight used^ seated calf raise 20x20 40x20 55x30 +5kg same reps.
Reevesy Posted November 13, 2011 Author Posted November 13, 2011 13/11/2011 v-bar pulldown (ive reset on this) 30x12 50x10 70x18 last time i reset i got 65x18/70x13 so progress. hammerstrength pulldown 40x10 80x10 125x16 +5kg same reps, cool. wide grip chest supported t-bar row. 20x12 40x10 55x20 +5kg -2reps barbell row 60x12 90x20 easier than i had thought barbell shrug 90x12 130x25 fucking raper e-z bar curl (i presume the bar weighs 5kg) 25x10 35x12 high incline db preacher curl 10x14 ea arm reverse curl 10x25 15x20
Tris Posted November 13, 2011 Posted November 13, 2011 You're gonna kill yourself, fking dale, get a rest day.
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