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crappy day sorta, was fucking soaked from cycling, ass n legs drenched


60x5 132lb

80x3 176lb

100x1 220lb

115x6 253lb fucking shit im gonna start using a box so i dont go below parralell

romanian deadlift

60x5 132lb

100x5 220lb

135x10 298lb+5kg equal reps


140x5 309lb last 1 paused

180x5 397lblast 1 paused

240x9 529lb all paused at the bottom on the guards (dead-stop)

in and out in about half an hour lol

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Keep squatting, it's pretty low in comparison to your deadlift/bench. I might try box squatting too since I go way below parallel, which is all right, but I want to get bigger numbers. Keep going.


Ouch... bye reev reev:( Thank you for my first firecape ^_^


guess whos back, back again.




barx20 44lb

40x10  88lb

60x8  132lb

80x3  176lb

100x10 220lb PR, last time i benched 100 i got 7 reps lol. which was 3 weeks ago? if that

close grip pin press, bar touching chest when on pins

60x5 132lb

80x5 176lb

102.5x6 226lb +2.5kg/5.5lb +1rep YES. and omg the last rep took about 10 seconds to lockout jesus christ.

military pin press

40x5 88lb

50x5 110lb

67.5x2...149lb fuck sake same weight +1 rep last time but still down loads of reps :S

push press

50x3 110lb

60x5 132lblast rep was very hard lol


barbell row

barx12  44lb

60x8    132lb

90x5    198lb

115x11 253lb  +5kg/11lb -2reps

hammerstrength pulldown

40x10 88lb

80x8  176lb

135x10 298lb +5kg/11lb -1rep didnt pull 11th down to a satisfactory level.

cable low row

60x8 132lb

80x5 176lb

105x12 231lb +5kg/11lb -3reps            lol full stack +5kg dumbbell

barbell shrugs

60x8      132lb

100x8    220lb

120x10  264lb

barbell curl

barx8 44lb

30x5  66lb

42.5x9 94lb +2.5kg/5.5lb equal reps lol



barx20  44lb

40x10  88lb

60x8    132lb

80x3    176lb

105x8  231lb +5kg/11lb -2reps

close grip pin press

60x5 132lb

80x5 176lb

105x5 231lb  +2.5kg/5.5lb -1rep

military pin press

45x5 99lb

55x3 121lb

67.5x4 149lb equal weight +2 reps. yay

push press

62.5x5 138lb +2.5kg/5.5lb equal reps.

amazing day lol

its been like 11 or 12 days since ive last deadlifted..



60x8    132lb

100x3    220lb

140x3    309lb like nothing

170x10  375lb +10kg/22lb +1rep......... wow lol

front squat

60x3 132lb

80x5.. 176lb dumped 6th wtf so hard.


60x5 132lb

100x5 220lbfelt like nowt, usually quite sluggish lol

145x10, 320lb skipped 140 coz i felt good. +10kg/22lb equal reps.


140x5 309lb

180x5 397lb

250x10 551lb +10kg/22lb +1rep all paused at the bottom on the stoppers(dead-stop)

that is all for now. will update again in like 3 hrs time



barbell row

barx12 44lb

60x8  132lb

80x5  176lb

100x5 220lb

120x10 265lb +5kg/11lb-1rep

hammerstrength pulldown

40x10  88lb

80x8    176lb

100x8  220lb

140x9  309lb +5kg/11lb -1rep

cable low row

60x8 132lb

85x5 187lb

110x12 242lb +5kg/11lb equal rep lol fullstack +10kg/22lb plate

barbell curl

20x8 44lb

30x5 66lb

45x4.. 100lb so shit wrists felt like they were gonna break lol so i gave up

e-z bar preacher (let my arms pretty much lockout to stretch)

20x8 44lb

30x8 66lb

weak biceps i dont care




barx20  44lb

40x10  88lb

60x8    132lb

80x3    176lb

100x1  220lb

110x8  242lb lol +5kg/11lb equal reps so gooddddddddd

close grip pin press

60x5 132lb

80x5 176lb

107.5x3 237lb +2.5kg/5.5lb -2reps fucksake lol, 3rd one was shit ended up skullcrushing the top lol

seated military

45x5  99lb

57.5x3 127lb

67.5x4 149lb for god sake. so shitty same weight like 3 times in a row now.


50x3 110lb

65x5 143lb +2.5kg/5.5lb equal reps so hard lol couldn't breathe belt was so tight.



squat to paralell box

barx8 44lb

60x5  132lb

100x3  220lb

120x10 264lb +5kg/11lb +4reps since last time i squatted.

atg front squat

60x5  132lbso easy

85x0 187lb lol went ass 2 the fucking floor and fdell over backwards

85x5  187lb so hard +5kg/11lb equal reps.


140x5 309lb

180x5 397lb

220x5 485lb

260x12 573lb +10kg/22lb +2reps all paused at the bottom on the stoppers. DEAD stop.


whats parallel box

so the box stops u when the top of your knee/thigh/hipcrease is paralell to the floor.



bent over row

barx12  44lb

60x8     132lb

80x5     176lb

100x5   220lb

125x11 275lb +5kg/11lb +1rep

hammerstrength pulldown

40x8   88lb

80x8  176lb

100x5 220lb

145x9 320lb  +5kg/11lb equal reps

cable low row

70x8 154lb

90x5 198lb

115x15 253lb +5kg/11lb +3reps lol full stack +10kg/22lb plate and 5kg/11lb dumbell on top.

barbell curl

40x8 meh 88lb


If you really want to see improvement in your biceps, I suggest really hitting them hard with isolation exercises using dumbbells, EZ bar, preacher, etc, instead of just doing BB curls. Also try chin ups and pausing for a few seconds.




barx20  44lb

40x10  88lb

60x8    132lb

80x3    176lb

100x1  220lb

115x5  253lb +5kg/11lb -3reps fwuk. this is shit

close grip bench

60x5    132lb

80x5    176lb

95x10  210lb PR i guess.

seated military pinpress

40x5  88lb

55x12 121lb

flat dumbbell bench (diont know why i did this)

25'sx8  55lb

35'sx7  77lb pretty hard, not used to these lol and triceps r burnt out


good job toning


good job toning




absolutely shite day


60x8  132lb

100x3  220lb

140x3  309lb felt heavy fucksake

180x5  397lb wat the fuck, +10kg/22lb -5reps??? altho this is a PR for me, this is awful will be redoing this weight next time.

gave up pretty much and decided not to follow my session accordingly so i did deadlift with strongman plates as i thought this woul dhave been fun and easier than normal dead, o how i was wrong.

strongman pl8 deadlift

130x3 286lb

170x1 386lb

190x1 418lb

210xF 463lb shitty didnt even move it.


good job toning


m8 u r just jelly cus i am moar toned then u



wide grip cable pulldowns (havent done these since about 9 months ago lol

30x12  66lb

50x10 110lb

70x20, 154lb first 15 pretty strict last 5 little swing, they make ur forearm/bicep pumped so bad

hammerstrength pulldown

40x10  88lb

80x8   176lb

120x5 265lb

150x8 331lb +5kg/11lb -1 rep

chest supported t-bar row (this machine is awkward and hard as hell)

20x12  44lb

40x20, 88lb lol makes my ass and hams flex so bad

e-z bar curl

25x8  55lb

35x9  77lbmeh shitty as fuck lol

hammer curl

17.5's/40lb 8 reps ea arm

barbell shrugs

60x10  132lb

100x10 220lb

125x20 275lb pr i guess.

did a random lockout and hold for about 3 seconds with 220kg /485lb double overhand grip.


u do the same exercises all the time? wheres ur variation (obviously you like your compounds).


u do the same exercises all the time? wheres ur variation (obviously you like your compounds).

i used to do lots of isolation crap, but changed that as it didnt rly work for me.


u do the same exercises all the time? wheres ur variation (obviously you like your compounds).

i used to do lots of isolation crap, but changed that as it didnt rly work for me.

Fair dooze, not every1 is same, im guessing ur a strength trainer, so compounds better :p



barx20  44lb

40x10  88lb

60x8    132lb

80x3    176lb

100x1  220lb so fast lol

120x4  264lb +5kg/11lb -1rep yayyyyy, only only just failed 5th rep :(


60x5 132lb paused fast as fuck

70x5 154lb paused

80x9 176lb pr, havn't done incline in a long time and its far better than it was lol.

close grip bench (knew this was going to suffer slightly since i did incline

60x5  132lb

80x3  176lb

97.5x7 215lb meh +2.5kg/5.5lb -3reps lol, inevitable, not assed

dumbbell bench

25's x8  55lb each

35's x8  77lb each yay, +1rep

lying tricep extension with e-z bar (bring bar to back of head and back up.

20x8 44lb

35x8 77lb

40x9 88lb pr i guess.

tricep pushdown w/e-z attachment

50x8 110lb

60x8 132lb

75x14 165lb  lol full stack



my deadlift form has gone to shit and so have my numbers so im not gonna do it for a while, yes i r emo


60x8  132lb

100x3 220lb

140x3 309lb

160x1 353lb

180x4 397lb fucking shit ass cunt

squat to paralell box

60x6  132lb

80x3  176lb

100x3 220lb

125x10 275lb +5kg/11lb same reps, so its obvious that my form on deadlift is questionable cos this is a strong day i think

romanian deadlift - i will do these 4 a while in replacement to normal deadlift

60x5  132lb

100x5 220lb

140x10 309lb


140x5 309lb

180x5 397lb

220x3 485lb

270x8 595lb all paused at the bottom, dead-stop.

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