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initial plan was to skip 107.5x5x5 and go 110x5x5, then i felt strong so i maxed for fun lol.


barx8  44lb

60x5  132lb

90x3  198lb

110x5 242lb last 1 paused at the floor

135x1 easy  297lb

150x1 330lb +10kg/22lb pr lol


100x8 220lb

140x8 309lb

180x8 397lb

240x20 530lb 14 continuous, 4 more, 2 more (last 1 paused lol)

hamstring curl

50x12 110lb

60x10 132lb

60x12 132lb

seated calf raise

20x20 44lb

40x20 88lb

40x20 88lb

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u shud have been black with dat ass

yea i no lol



tired today, not very good day

flat dumbbell bench

10's x15  22lb

20's x10  44lb

30's x8    66lb

40's x6    88lb easy

47.5's x2 105lb ..................... kind of forgot its a total of 15kg/33lb heavier, whatever.

incline dumbbell bench

30's x8  66lb

35's x9  77lb

40's x4  88lb meh.

close grip pin press

60x5  132lb

80x5  176lb

95x6  210lb GAY.

tricep pushdown

60x12  132lb

80x12  176lb




ur elbows look bruised as fuck, is it from banging joints


ur elbows look bruised as fuck, is it from banging joints

nope lol

Tom (Rendition)

What is pin press good for in comparison to standard BP?


What is pin press good for in comparison to standard BP?

its immense for triceps, the fact u start at the bottom means u get no stretch reflex so its like, all you. and ur starting from a dead point, rather than touch n go on ur chest or something like tht, i just do it close grip, yea that is my close grip, any closer and my wrists hurt


bodyweight is down from

269.9lb to 259lb ded

122.4kg to 117.48kg

19st 3 to 18st 7

happy with this so far



18 inch deadlift/rack pull from below knee.

60x10 nice and slow.  132lb

100x5 220lb

140x5 309lb

180x12 397lb lol getting used to rack pull now :) hopefully peak out at over 5 plates.. calc says 252 :o but yeah. 5 plates is the minimum goal lol

v-bar pulldown

30x10  66lb

40x10  88lb

50x10 110lb

60x10 132lb did all sets slowly

hammerstrength pulldown

40x12    88lb

80x10  176lb

100x10 220lb

135x8  297lb 9th didnt come down low enough, bitch

1 armed hammerstrength row

40x12  88lb

60x12  132lb

95x12  209lb ea hand.

e-z bar preacher pad

20x10 44lbslow

25x4  55lb stopped it rapes wrists.

high-incline seated dumbbell curl

12.5's 275.lb x10 ea hand

12.5's 27.5lb  x10 ea hand

15s x10 33lb ea hand


Difference between deadlifting off that rack thing and just doing it off the floor?


Difference between deadlifting off that rack thing and just doing it off the floor?

rack is higher up lol. and im working my sticking point.


Watched the video and didn't realize how much easier a rack pull would be in comparison to a floor DL.


Watched the video and didn't realize how much easier a rack pull would be in comparison to a floor DL.

thats what you think. ur going to shit when u try 315 or whatever and can't move it.


Watched the video and didn't realize how much easier a rack pull would be in comparison to a floor DL.

thats what you think. ur going to shit when u try 315 or whatever and can't move it.

Lol I do 315 x 3 or somewhere close to that from the floor.

Is it harder from a rack pull? The ROM is a lot smaller and you just drop the bar after lifting it a few inches.


Watched the video and didn't realize how much easier a rack pull would be in comparison to a floor DL.

thats what you think. ur going to shit when u try 315 or whatever and can't move it.

Lol I do 315 x 3 or somewhere close to that from the floor.

Is it harder from a rack pull? The ROM is a lot smaller and you just drop the bar after lifting it a few inches.

u aint done it before so u would be shit at it for a couple weeks, im only just adjusting to it now lol



bit of a mix and match session with shoulders and tri's

dumbbell overhead.

10's x15 22lb

20's x10 44lb

25's x10 55lb easy

30's x7  66lb lol paused atfer 7th rep on shoulders, shouldn't of.

close grip pinpress

60x5 132lb

80x3 176lb

100x3 220lb

110x1 242lb PR

120x1 264lb PR ,

^ lol was just messing around on this, ill leave my actual heavy set for when i do chest so i have exercises in the same order

dumbbell side raises

10's x12  22lb

12.5's x12 27.5lb

tricep pushdown

50x12 110lb

70x12 154lb

85x11 187lb

cba doing rears, they are allready killed from back yesterday.

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