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wewt 3rd combat skill down


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Time to skill for a while. My goals are to get my non combats to 70 while doing basically every quest I can do. Right now I got 11 qp I want 175 qp with addy gloves, dt etc+ btw 50 attack max 13 prayer max

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Oo nice dude, does this include 70 slayer?


Oo nice dude, does this include 70 slayer?

Yes and rc =)

Oo nice dude, does this include 70 slayer?

Yes and rc =)

Oo, very nice. I'll look forward to seeing that accomplished.


nice account, good luckĀ  :D


Grats on trip 80s, 175 qp is easy enough (I'm 200 QP) and all stats to 70 can be a pain, for example herb is an expensive waste i cant stand rcing/agil mining, i tried gettin all to 70 but i have like 5 still at 60 :(


Nice acc and gratz on the lvls


Nice goodluck on rc and slay ;)


gl still training nice stats O.O

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