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Jagex Fighting The Bots - New


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The first quote is taken directly from the RS forums

Since Jagex can't inform you directly about their current (and even their past legal proceedings, I thought I'd let the community know here since some people might be interested in it. Not going to name any bots or their respective companies, but just assign a number/letter to them.

1 - Jagex is currently in a battle with a US-based bot development company run by two brothers. Jagex attempted to file the documents far away from the company as to put stress on the botting company. Jagex failed fairly hard in their preliminary hearing, and will most likely lose this one.

2 - Jagex managed to shut down what was at the time the third or fourth-most popular botting community, getting a court order against the creator and shutting down the site completely. The creator, forthwith referred to as "Kos", cannot develop bots or play Runescape, or he may face a fine.

3 - Jagex filed a WIPO claim for the most popular botting site's domain at the time, claiming the "RS" in their site's name infringed upon their copyrights. Jagex's representation failed to properly notify the domain's owner of the ongoing WIPO case, and won this case. The site has now moved to a non-infringing domain and still remains as the second or third-most popular botting site to date.

4 - In regards to the same site as item 4, the dutch lead developer/updater was ordered by the court to stop developing the bot, as well as stop playing Runescape, and pay a 1000 euro fine. The developer stopped for about a month, and then continued to develop under a different alias under Jagex's nose, and still does to this day.

5 - A popular "RuneScape hacking" site was taken down by another WIPO domain claim because of the use of the word "Jagex" in its domain.

6 - Various smaller related sites have received DMCA takedown notices sent to their hosts attempting to lay claim to pages which allow users to register. This is actually a dirty tactic (read: illegal) as they do not own any content on those pages.

7 - The most popular botting site at this time has not received any legal action against them from Jagex. This being said, this botting company employs a team of lawyers that are renowned for being the foremost intellectual property and copyright lawyers in the UK. At every turn, they make sure that what they are doing is within the law. This one is gonna be a tough egg to crack.

If any more come to mind or are heard of, I'll update with more.

And here is what each number is related to

1 - NeXuS

2 - Not entirely sure, Most likely EpicBot

3 - Powerbot, changed from RsBot

4 - Idk.

5 - Fuckjagex.com

6 - Idk.

7 - Rsbuddy / RsBots ~ Once again not 100% sure.


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Good game of real life


Ehh im not worried at all.

People will keep coming and coming with the bots JaGeX are just fighting a battle they cant win.

mono sodium

i never thought that  that botting will get this serious

Pixel Pigeon

4) qauters.

He was told to stop, then changed his alias and made a new introduction as an asian.


Surely they can't do anything within the law? As when you agree to the terms and conditions it doesn't state anything about the creation and distribution of bots. Therefore you're not breaking any law.


Surely they can't do anything within the law? As when you agree to the terms and conditions it doesn't state anything about the creation and distribution of bots. Therefore you're not breaking any law.

This is kind of like an unseen rule because you are using THEIR program to create a program THEY dont want YOU to make.


Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

Pixel Pigeon

Surely they can't do anything within the law? As when you agree to the terms and conditions it doesn't state anything about the creation and distribution of bots. Therefore you're not breaking any law.

This is kind of like an unseen rule because you are using THEIR program to create a program THEY dont want YOU to make.

I think it comes under breach of TOS. I'm not sure, as I haven't read it in a while but isn't there something about reverse engineering or editing their software for any purpose?


Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

Oh yes i forgot merching gets your strength up.


Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

You can't merch 99 agility idiot.


Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

Oh yes i forgot merching gets your strength up.

It doesn't take long enough to bot 99 strength to actually care about bans and the botting community.

Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

You can't merch 99 agility idiot.

Copy the above post for e-rep more please.

Here, have this.



I don't bott ftw


Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

Oh yes i forgot merching gets your strength up.

It doesn't take long enough to bot 99 strength to actually care about bans and the botting community.

Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

You can't merch 99 agility idiot.

Copy the above post for e-rep more please.

Here, have this.


Haha you mention e-rep in like every thread, not hard to tell who really cares about it XD


Lol fuck jagex, they'll never stop bots... fucking idiots rofl


Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll shut down RSBots. Would certainly make skilling worthwhile again


Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll shut down RSBots. Would certainly make skilling worthwhile again

Nah lol, skilling is completely ruined by bots. It will take years to fully recover. Prices on items however will skyrocket.


Natures would skyrocket in price, as would coal, gold, sharks have already spiked as a large number of fishing bots were banned.


Lol fuck jagex, they'll never stop bots... fucking idiots rofl

^ This.




I bot, but am starting to feel sorry for the ones who play legit

Their game is completly fucked.


haters be learners we making gay lil burgers.

Elven Dremor

Botting is just a waste of electricity or cash used on the VPS. Just merch.

You can't merch 99 agility idiot.

Isn't the point of botting to get GPs?

Otherwise it's a waste of time doing so, right?

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