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Jagex Fighting The Bots - New


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Jagex makes millions a year because of bots, and with the millions they are making the game better, so the coin is double sided there.


How's that a facepalm? And nice double post?

They might make millions a year because of boss, but does that make the game better for the 10% of all users actually playing?

Please show me 1 update post 2010 that made life easier for legit players.

I don't think you understand... I'm not about to waste my time skilling, when I have something that does it for me while i'm out. The only reason I play runescape is to pk/make gp and sell it. I could care less about anything else lul. I absolutely refuse to sit for hours, clicking... That was my past. Runescape fucked my childhood, and now i'm going to fuck it.


fucking well said lad.

Sounds like you're trying to get revenge on Jagex, because YOU fucked your own childhood by playing this game too much. You're trying to get revenge on this game by paying for membership and bots. To be honest you're way too serious about this game when you have to gain xp while at a party.

I hope that Jagex will do something about the bots. They've been talking about getting rid of Rsbots.net for several years now.


I don't think you understand... I'm not about to waste my time skilling, when I have something that does it for me while i'm out. The only reason I play runescape is to pk/make gp and sell it. I could care less about anything else lul. I absolutely refuse to sit for hours, clicking... That was my past. Runescape fucked my childhood, and now i'm going to fuck it.  


fucking well said lad.


My pure got banned today.

But the funny thing is, I havent botted for about 2 months on him

nor played. Anorther funny thing is-, that I did not level anything up

the past 2 months nor made more then 200k.


I am very sure, that when Jagex introduced they were planning to bring the old wilderness back they said they almost finished their program to find out who is botting and who is not.

Almost 7 months later-, there still bots everywhere.

Dear Jagex, just give up. You ban people who get reported 3 times,

but you dont even read persons their appeals.

Untill Jagex actually starts reading people their appeals, or introduces us their 'program' I think its a war they cannot win.

You cannot fight the law, but you can fight for your own game.

Goodluck Jagex, at wasting your time and spending alot of money on nothing.


Jagex makes millions a year because of bots, and with the millions they are making the game better, so the coin is double sided there.


How's that a facepalm? And nice double post?

They might make millions a year because of boss, but does that make the game better for the 10% of all users actually playing?

Please show me 1 update post 2010 that made life easier for legit players.

I don't think you understand... I'm not about to waste my time skilling, when I have something that does it for me while i'm out. The only reason I play runescape is to pk/make gp and sell it. I could care less about anything else lul. I absolutely refuse to sit for hours, clicking... That was my past. Runescape fucked my childhood, and now i'm going to fuck it.  


fucking well said lad.

Sounds like you're trying to get revenge on Jagex, because YOU fucked your own childhood by playing this game too much. You're trying to get revenge on this game by paying for membership and bots. To be honest you're way too serious about this game when you have to gain xp while at a party.

I hope that Jagex will do something about the bots. They've been talking about sewing Rsbots.net for several years now.

Never said i was getting revenge on jagex... And it seems you care a lot about me, was it my eyes?  :cute:


Jagex makes millions a year because of bots, and with the millions they are making the game better, so the coin is double sided there.


How's that a facepalm? And nice double post?

They might make millions a year because of boss, but does that make the game better for the 10% of all users actually playing?

Please show me 1 update post 2010 that made life easier for legit players.

I don't think you understand... I'm not about to waste my time skilling, when I have something that does it for me while i'm out. The only reason I play runescape is to pk/make gp and sell it. I could care less about anything else lul. I absolutely refuse to sit for hours, clicking... That was my past. Runescape fucked my childhood, and now i'm going to fuck it. 


fucking well said lad.

Sounds like you're trying to get revenge on Jagex, because YOU fucked your own childhood by playing this game too much. You're trying to get revenge on this game by paying for membership and bots. To be honest you're way too serious about this game when you have to gain xp while at a party.

I hope that Jagex will do something about the bots. They've been talking about getting rid of Rsbots.net for several years now.

Never said i was getting revenge on jagex... And it seems you care a lot about me, was it my eyes?  :cute:

You said that the game fucked your childhood, and now you're going to fuck the game. Sounds a lot like revenge. Please go back to Team-Tuff and post more gay movies.

The thing that makes me most sad is that you have to rely on bots to make irl cash.


Jagex makes millions a year because of bots, and with the millions they are making the game better, so the coin is double sided there.


How's that a facepalm? And nice double post?

They might make millions a year because of boss, but does that make the game better for the 10% of all users actually playing?

Please show me 1 update post 2010 that made life easier for legit players.

I don't think you understand... I'm not about to waste my time skilling, when I have something that does it for me while i'm out. The only reason I play runescape is to pk/make gp and sell it. I could care less about anything else lul. I absolutely refuse to sit for hours, clicking... That was my past. Runescape fucked my childhood, and now i'm going to fuck it.  


fucking well said lad.

Sounds like you're trying to get revenge on Jagex, because YOU fucked your own childhood by playing this game too much. You're trying to get revenge on this game by paying for membership and bots. To be honest you're way too serious about this game when you have to gain xp while at a party.

I hope that Jagex will do something about the bots. They've been talking about getting rid of Rsbots.net for several years now.

Never said i was getting revenge on jagex... And it seems you care a lot about me, was it my eyes?  :cute:

You said that the game fucked your childhood, and now you're going to fuck the game. Sounds a lot like revenge. Please go back to Team-Tuff and post more gay movies.

Only if you watch them with me bb  :friends:


wow that's insane stuff


Runescape, like any other video game is a pastime. When you are chilling in your house you might be bored and wanna play some COD or Scape. When youre out with friends,"having a life" you shouldnt be preoccupied about anything not pertaining to the event/ social integrity. When you leave a bot on Runescape it will always be in the back of your mind to check how the bot had progressed. Whenever you leave a bot on Scape you are preoccupying yourself on how it will effect you in the longrun. If you bot constantly, for instance when you go to sleep or out to eat the game makes its spot in your head to be played checked on later. And why do people bot anyway? To get better on the game in the long run without putting in the effort to do it legit as intended.


i find it funny how people are so against botting, it's a fucking game, if people don't find grinding levels or gp fun, and they only want to pk, then let them, have fun clicking on your virtual monsters all day if you want but don't complain at other people, it's a game and they'll do whatever the fuck they want.


Why all the bot hate? i didn't know anyone could play this game for more than 20 mins legit and stay sane





Idc I'm still gonna bot, ain't gonna get banned, life's good.


anyways, i'l keep on botting.




Fucking loll'ed ty




This. Made me stop slayer all together. Since I couldn't beat them, I decided to join them.


If there was no bots foe wouldnt have the advantage of ovls. Didnt think about that huh




This. Made me stop slayer all together. Since I couldn't beat them, I decided to join them.

lmfao, holy shit.


I think they gave up on Soul Wars :D


Bots will always be there. Jagex i don't think realizes the amount of botters that exist. Especially when updates happen the number of online players drops so much till bots are back up. This is just a battle jagex is an epic fail at. GG jagex


Bots will always be there. Jagex i don't think realizes the amount of botters that exist. Especially when updates happen the number of online players drops so much till bots are back up. This is just a battle jagex is an epic fail at. GG jagex

so you think you could onebangme dont u..



If all bots are banned whos gonna play the game?

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