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Just got my first ticket


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Yea i just got my first speeding ticket for going 85 in a 55 zone (mph). I can pay for the 253 dollar ticket but if it hits my record my parents cant afford the insurance. Any advice would be appreciated.

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pleed with the judge to give you community service hours.  your gunna get like 80 but its better then getting it on your record.  goodluck!

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do defensive driving, you can dodge the jacked up auto insurance if you do that... i think... i hope


I don't know what the rules are exactly for your state but in Texas you can just do Defensive Driving.

It's pretty easy if you take it online. Takes about 3-4 hours or so and you get a little certificate that you turn into the court.

Be careful now though, you can only do DD once a year  :D

Edit: I also just remembered that if you were going 25+ over the speed limit, then you are not eligible for DD. So you might be fucked...

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Build a time-machine and grow some brains.

That's probably my best bet. I didn't know that cops had radars mounted on their cars for catching oncoming traffic. I had all of their spots memorized so i thought that i was safe... I went around a corner at the same time as him and i saw his eyes go wide lol. Look in my mirror and he is turning around.
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watch me tb

i thought 30+ was instant loss of liscence. go to court you will get points and ticked dropped some. i lost my liscence cuz i didnt go to court, douch bag cop said it wouldnt make any difference weather i went or not. lieing son of a bitch.

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Yea i just got my first speeding ticket for going 85 in a 55 zone (mph). I can pay for the 253 dollar ticket but if it hits my record my parents cant afford the insurance. Any advice would be appreciated.

Follow everyone elses' advice. I saw you killing chins earlier :P

I was hunting them as you kept killing them.

My names Piescape on the account I saw you on btw. :P

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i thought 30+ was instant loss of liscence. go to court you will get points and ticked dropped some. i lost my liscence cuz i didnt go to court, douch bag cop said it wouldnt make any difference weather i went or not. lieing son of a bitch.

I nearly lost my liscence, but I got him to give me hours instead of revoking my liscence, I was lucky fuck.

Not going that fast again.. Atleast where there is cops and speed cameras anyway.

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if he showed you a radar gun when you were pulled over then go to court plead not guilty.

at court if the cop shows, ask him to take out his radar gun and correctly calibrate it. he most likely will not do all of those so you can get a reduced fine/win the case. if he does do everything, you can ask the judge to take the points off your record and he might do it. nothing to lose. and i'm assuming you can't go to traffic school for some reason.

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Kyle|Lol The PK

Yeah I got some advice for you.

Don't be a dumbass.

You pretty much had it coming. Sucks for you if you lose your car now cause you can't make the jacked up payments.

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Yes do defensive driving to keep insurance down. If you know your family can't afford increased insurance why the fuck are you going 30 over, be responsible.

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