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Best way to train range?


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I have 57, VERY CLOSE TO 58 range.

Where should I train?

P2P and I have access to experiments.

I want to know what I should train on up to like level 80 or 85, because I will SW after that level.

Thanks in advance,



experiments or rock crabs, that's what I did to 70.

EDIT: when you get higher ranged, maybe fire giants for some cash? Train it with slayer? It'll still be around the same time to 80, and you'll also make some money.


i afked at rock crabs and did 62-70 in 2 days.


57-58 rock crabs

dont sw D:

just continue 60-70 rock crabs, experiments, or orgres.

70+ continue with ogres or fire giants for good xp + cash

Edit: 70+ range if you need cash, you can do avianises


When you hit 70 you pretty much get a bunch of options.

You have fire giants, aviansies, ankous, lessers, green drags, etc. But yeah rock crabs till they. Maybe tzhaar at like 65 if you really wanted.


I would train at experements till 70 or 75, then go to fire giants till 80 or 85 after that head to soul wars. I hear that it is very good xp at higher lvls however you are sacrificing hp for fast range xp.


I'm currently doing ogres with bronze knives and it is working out well. I am 65 ranged, and I will be going for 70 today.

It is decent on cash too. I got 4 ranarr seeds within 11k xp.

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