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Thoughts on bolas?

ox finalzero

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ox finalzero

its honestly so fucking gay how people actually do DT and get mage gear and all that shit to freeze people while pking and now jagex comes out with this fucking gay ass bolas thing that fucking has a 100% chance on freezing the player EVEN if they are protecting from range. since when does fucking range freeze people? im getting so mad at this fucking game and what pking has come to. and yes for all those people about to say "u seem mad" or shit like tht.... im pretty friken annoyed lol....

EDIT: most unfair weapon in the game honestly wat the fuck...


They're good if you're tbing, but barrage's freeze lasts for longer (i'm 91% sure haha) + does damage, and bolas aren't 100% accuracy, i've missed a couple times. They're also good if you're tagging because they don't count as a hit, and your friend can hit them as they're being bolas'd (if that's a word :p)


Who are you?

ox finalzero

They're good if you're tbing, but barrage's freeze lasts for longer (i'm 91% sure haha) + does damage, and bolas aren't 100% accuracy, i've missed a couple times. They're also good if you're tagging because they don't count as a hit, and your friend can hit them as they're being bolas'd (if that's a word :p)

that tagging comment.... i didnt know that but thats mad fucking unfair. imagine that was being done on u


Yeah it's completely unfair >.< i don't think many people know about that part yet though


barrage is still better, multiple targets and does damage and holds longer


since when does fucking range freeze people?

It wraps round your legs = Cant move = Frozen


My god this thread is like complaining about Entangle.

Entangle requires no quest and lower mage requirment than the more powerful freeze spell in Ancients?

People use to tb tangle now, and now those tb tanglers, some new, some old have bolas, which is more accurate, range, and a faster attack. It's actually gives players on the Normal Spellbook a fair chance of getting a kill, and more often times a better one.

Tbh im 99 mage and have done dt, yes I can barrage, but people will tele tb bolas is like tb tangle but with range and faster.


i find it useful :O


Get Veng'd -> TB->Bolas->AGS

free loot


It's not too bad. I like how you think doing dt and a few quests is a lot of work, cute.

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