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After getting this on my oldest account


I figured I wanted a more official achievement, and since I didn't want to trim my mining cape with agility which I'd spent months doing on Red, I figured I would just get mining as it's far easier and less repetitive than agility. It was either Runecrafting or Mining, I wanted a hard skill. If I had of gotten cooking or fletching or something like that there would have been no sense of achievement. The low price of essence turned me off of Runecrafting so mining it was.


3360 Stealing Creation Points

-which came to 168 Morphic Pickaxes which got me 92 Mining, then proceeded to using Wicked Cj13's method of Concentrated Gold Mining until 95, and then just saved the ores until I reached 99.

-I mined stars as often as they were available, the 2x ore bonus is quite handy.

-I had to get Varrock Armour 3 before I started which was a pain because I needed 7 farming levels, so that was delayed for a bit.

-Took about 2-3 months on and off, averaging anywhere from ~120k-~900k xp a day dependent on what I was doing and if there were other updates that needed checking out, if friends wanted to dungeon and if I needed a break to do something else.

and the finished result:


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